Category: Women

Act Like A Lady At NRO

Charmaine has a post up at Reasoned Audacity. Crossed posted here. I’ve got an article that just went up over at NRO, “This is What a Lady Looks Like.” It’s a piece that has...

This is What a Lady Looks Like

I’ve got an article that just went up over at NRO, “This is What a Lady Looks Like.” It’s a piece that has been clanging around in my head — every time I’ve gotten...

On the Meaning of Success

Naomi Watts The January issue of Vanity Fair features Naomi Watts, the new Fay Wraye in King Kong, on the cover. After years and years of B roles, Watts has finally “made it.” And...

Red Cross CEO Quits

American Red Cross Marsha Evans stepped down as President and CEO of the Red Cross. Marsha Evans There was some reported unhappiness with the Red Cross response during Katrina. Your Business Blogger was unhappy...

Media Alert: Paula Zahn, CNN Tonite

Rush Limbaugh led off his show today with the altercation between Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., Fellow at the Family Research Council and Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization of Women in The Nation’s Capital....