Color-coded Shopping: Starbucks, Out! Dunkin' Donuts In!

As reported by Brenda Goodman in one of my favorite lefty business mags, Fast Company, there’s a new source for color-coding your shopping and coordinating your voting and your spending habits.
Check out and they’ve compiled the data on how corporate PAC’s and corporate leadership contributed in the last election cycle.
There’s bad news for conservative coffee drinkers: Starbucks, 100% Dem!! And what’s this betrayal from Bed, Bath and Beyond??
Sorry buyblue guys, you heard it here first: this cuts both ways.
No more Starbucks for this girl!
Is this what’s behind the left-wing war on Wal-Mart? Hey, two sides can play this game. If Wal-Mart or Sam’s don’t got it, we don’t need it — (with apologies to Garrison Keillor).
(For more on political color, see here: conservatives are the new progressives. . .)
Update 18 June 2005: Patterico’s Pontifications reviews the high cost of coffee: See-Dub: A Little Lattetudinarianism, Please
Update: Sean at The American Mind reminds us that coffee cost is de minimus. See Coffee is a Drop in the Bucket.
Update: Daniel W. Drezner questions assumptions in coffee cost in Which editor at the Washington Post owes Blaine Harden money?
Update July 13: AttaBoy points to a lefty humorous site where Starbucks is loved and WalMart hated.
Update May 19, 2008, More folks swearing off Starbucks

I just found your page and have enjoyed the comments and links. But the chart just killed me. I’m a Democrat supporter in almost all my buying habits. I will need to reform my buying habits across the board, Lord have Mercy.
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