Bob Hope on the Democrats

What happens when you throw a (political) war and no one shows up?? I was completely immersed in the Roberts hearing this week, but it turned out to be a lot of heat, but very little fire. More on the hearings to come, so do stop back by.
More importantly, my dad had an angiogram yesterday which revealed one of his arteries had 95% blockage. Putting the stent in was unusually difficult, the doctor said. But, he is doing very well and headed home this afternoon, and we are so grateful.
So. Here’s a little political humor for my dad . . . who will love it.
Did Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard watch the John Roberts hearings? This clip from The Ghost Breakers is 24 seconds of perfect political humor. . .
No spoilers here, so let me just say: Some things haven’t changed since 1940.
This is a movie I have to rent.
UPDATE: With thanks to my friend, Cherie. And Neddy at Kerfuffles has this clip, too.

Is your point that criticism of John G. Roberts by Democratic leaders reflects the concerns of their base for civil liberties?
The nomination of John G. Roberts in the first place reflects the concerns of CEOs who want environmental regulations struck down, as with Roberts’ vote against the Endangered Species Act.
I prefer leaders who put the rights of people above the rights of corporations.