CONTEST: Salary Comparisons

We’re having a contest: How much do these heads of two prominent charities make in annual salaries?
Todd Bassett
National Commander
Salvation Army
We’ve got the honor system in play here — no fair looking up the answer before you play! Leave a comment with your best estimate of how much money Commander Bassett and Ms. Evans make each year.
Marsha Evans
President and CEO
The Red Cross
The answers — with the salaries of the leaders of the United Way, Goodwill and Catholic Charities as well — are over at Jack’s blog.
The winner is the one who comes the closest to getting both right. And what’s the prize for our winner?? One of Jollyblogger’s “I Think, Therefore I Blog” T-shirts!
A salute to Mudville Gazette for Open Post.
And complete your Weekend Assigned Reading for My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
And have a seat at Jo’s Cafe and enjoy the specials.
And step out to Basil’s Blog for the Saturday Picnic.

CONTEST: Salary Comparisons
CONTEST: Salary Comparisons
Salvation Army: $75,000
Red Cross: $250,000
SA – $85k
RC – $375k
SA – $13,000 + housing
RC – $450,000 + a smack to the back of the head from me if I ever have the pleasure of meeting her.
The salaries are only part of the reason that I support the Salvation Army and have massive disdain for the Red Cross.
Still, I suggest everyone find a local church that they trust and donate through them. They’re usually much more flexible, without the beuracracy and red tape, have local contacts and built in infrastructure in disaster areas and are able to respond more quickly to immediate needs.
OUCH! I had guessed $45,000 for the Sallie
(it’s $—K) and $150K for the Red Cross
(she gets $—K) What a travesty! No wonder
the Red Cross is so out of touch with normal
people. Relief efforts in our town found the
Red Cross impossible to deal with. They ended up
working with UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee
on Relief) who seemed to have their act together
and be able to give appropriate instruction
and to be getting the supplies to the people
who needed them.
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Let’s see…probably more than my hubby a LTC in the Army – upward of $75,000. Ia m going to say $250,000 for Red Cross and $150,000 for Salvation but I am sure I am low.
Toni’s figures sound correct, so I’m with her. Michael Medved had given the figures on-air last week.
Salvation Army=0
Red Cross=350K
My Granddad came home from WWI with about $2.00 in his pocket and a train ticket from New York to St. Louis. He, and some of the other returning soldiers, wanted to get coffee and donuts before the long ride home. The Red Cross charged a dime the Salvation Army didn’t charge anything. Needless to say he walked the extra 2 blocks for the free donuts and coffee. Good story and still affects how may family donates money.
Wow Pat, that’s a great story!
Greta: I just have to say that I think the pay of our servicemen should be a standard of some sort.
JustAnotherGodBlog? — Hosting a national radio show, teaching at a law school, writing columns for The Weekly Standard and World magazine, giving speeches, writing books, and hosting one of the most popular blogs on the planet is obviously not enough…
My guesses:
$90,000 salary for Commander Bassett, and $360,000 for President Evans.
SA = $95,000
Red Cross = $300,000
Now to see how I did…
Contest Closing
Salvation Army Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity will be announcing the winners in her Guess the Compensation Contest tonight. Leave a comment on your guess at her post. The T-shirt Prize I will assume that some might be tempted to…
Now it might also be pointed out that the Salvation Army Salary has usually been for “the couple” when it comes to married army people, not just for the individual. Both the husband and wife officers tend to work as a team when appointed. I do not know speciffically about the Commander’s postion however.
as far as the contest, I cannot participate because I looked at the answers already.
I Think, Therefore I Blog
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