Avoid Being Outsourced: Here’s How

If it’s not Core, It’s going off-shore.
Every business has Core functions and Critical functions. It is the smart knowledge worker who knows the difference.
Start with this:
Does my job add value face to face with Benjamin’s?
If not, your job might soon be replaced with Gandhi’s. Or Mao’s.
For example, I outsource all my tech needs to Geek Squad at Best Buy. An “Agent” comes to my office or home, eyeballs my pilot errors, walks around, makes recommendations, and sells me stuff. And bills me Benjamins for the service.
(Yes, Your Business Blogger once had CIO duties at a billion dollar enterprise. Which means I can really, really screw up a network.)
Anyway, if you are in a cubicle and never see a check writing customer, leave. Somewhere, someone in your company is shaking hands with a client, at this very moment. You must physically touch that customer, too.
And I don’t mean a phone call touch. I got a call center in Bangalore that does that. You must press a pound of flesh, not the pound button.
eMail me with your situation and I might use it as a case study. Or not. But you will get some Free Consulting as an Alert Reader.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Geek Squad 24 Hour Computer Support Task Force
The Melting Thought has a first hand post on Best Buy management.
Diatribe Net has more.
Full Disclosure: Your Business Blogger has consulted with outsourcing companies in India.

I enjoyed all the pithy phrases.
“If it’s not Core,
It’s going off-shore.”
Jack, what is your advice to those of us how do NOT have people skills? There are those of us who could not sell a (runs forever) fusion heater to an Eskimo. Should ALL backoffice jobs be outsourced?? Every company has core logistics needs, how can you identify what gives your company an edge and SHOULD NOT be outsourced? Your story implies that if you job is not sales related, then your dirt in the eyes of management. – Stan.
I worked for a company that outsourced its Accounting functions about 8 years ago. The theory was that Accounting was not a core competency. I asked a member of the management team how we could stay in business if we did not feel tracking cash, revenue, production, sales and cost was not something core to our business. Never got an answer and the company no longer exist. Fortunately, I was in sales and we were able to convince management that we were a black box and way to complicated to outsource. Which is ironic since it was the easiest job I?d ever had. We just had better buzzwords than Accounting.
LenS, You’re right: We sales guys do have the best buzzwords. And biggest bar tabs. And you were directed at the last off-site to keep quiet on our competitive advantage over our existing internal customers.
And accounting is important, even critical. But unless you are an accounting firm, it’s not core.
So send it to India. And we can keep selling the company’s products.
Next round of drinks are on me. Here’s to the black box.