The Carnival of Marketing is Up and Running at Emergence Marketing

Emergence Marketing is
a member of the
Corante NetworkAnd is hosted by Francois Gossieau and Gabe d’Annunzio. Emergence Marketing also points us to two other quick, interesting posts.
Including Your Business Blogger.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
The seasoned pro’s writing Emergence Marketing lend their experience making the blogosphere a better place in extended entry:
Francois Gossieaux: Currently serving as President of Corante, Inc., it was in July of 2005 that I agreed to join Corante as a partner, investor and head of sales and marketing. After working with them on their “new” business plan for the past few months, I just fell in love with the plan. They, in turn, liked what I had to offer – and the rest is history (see here for more details on why I found this an attractive opportunity).
Before Corante I spent most of my time advising and consulting to startups and other high tech companies. One that I am still peripherally involved with is the open source project BlogBridge – where I re-joined my old friend and colleague Pito Salas (co-founder of eRoom, his blog is here) to get (t)his idea off the ground.
My last “real” job was at eRoom Technology – where I spent 5 years leading marketing. I joined the company a couple of months after they started shipping product and stayed through the acquisition by Documentum. We created a category (twice), we started a successful ASP business alongside our enterprise offering, we grew the business to profitability in very tough market conditions, we went out with a bang (the acquisition was the 5th largest software M&A transaction in 2002), and we mostly had fun doing it! A ton of lessons learned there…
After eRoom I started another startup – Synopia. The company focused on delivering solutions to help new product developers with the front end of the product lifecycle, known as the product definition phase. We self-funded the company for 2 years, built a team around it and got one paying customer along the way. Even though we did receive a term sheet from a prominent Boston VC firm, we were never able to syndicate the deal and ran out of oxygen – so we closed down the company. Another great set of experiences – some learned the hard way.
Before that I held a variety of marketing, sales and business development positions at Stratus Computers, Agfa-Compugraphic and Barco.
It was while I was at Stratus that I came up with this concept of organizing the first large scale virtual event – with a full speaker conference as well as a virtual exhibit hall. The event was planned in 1995 and held in early 1996 – mind you, with Netscape 1.0 with Java in beta. InfoWorld and Time Magazine teamed up with us and we ended up with 100+ speakers (the who’s who of the web 1.0 world at the time), 30+ exhibitors, and 45,000 attendees!
That was fun and gave me a taste for just how powerful the impact of that first internet wave was on the way we work, the way we meet, the way we interact with one another, and on the way we recruit…
We are clearly on the cusp of a second transformational wave and I consider myself very lucky to be part of it again!
And :
Gabe D’Annunzio: has been involved in the marketing of information technology products and services for over four decades. He specializes in helping clients with complex innovative products develop and implement marketing programs that effectively translate technological innovation into high-value customer benefits. During his career he has developed a number of unique tools to help companies create, and continually refine, core messages that maximize their product’s market acceptance at each stage of their life-cycle. He keeps promising to share these tools in a book. If he lives long enough, it just might get published.
Gabe has helped a broad range of computer and communications technology companies successfully position their products and services in highly competitive markets. Among the companies he has worked with are Profit Logic, Ascent Technology, OuterLink, Bizfon, Collaborative Structures, 3COM, Racal Interlan, Stratus Computer, Easel Software and divisions of Teradyne.
For over 10 years Gabe was a principal in The Strathmore Group, a marketing consulting organization he co-founded in 1989. Prior to co-founding The Strathmore Group, Gabe was vice president of marketing for Micom Systems, a manufacturer of computer networking products. His background also includes marketing positions at Prime Computer, Digital Eq

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