Kill Big Bird, Buy a Raptor

There’s a war on. It’s been in all the papers. And we all have to pay for it. Sacrifice somewhere.
But not the liberals at National People’s Public Radio. They demand continued tax payer funding…for Big Bird.
When should entertainment have claim on the public purse?
Congress wants to reduce the NPR and PBS budget by $115 million. This is not as aggressive as the planned cuts hoped for last year that would have taken the welfare payment from $200,000,000 to a mere $100 million. Our friends on the left are Outraged! Outraged!
Cartoon credit: Blue Girl’s “better half”
Our lefty friends (no friends of the free market) have different takes. Over at Blue Girl in a Red State there seems to be some confusion between work and charity.
For years now the Feminist Minority has feared for a free press:
Take Action for Independent Media
The U.S. House of Representatives is …considering …an appropriations bill which will make drastic cuts in the budgets of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) …
In their ongoing efforts to control the media, the right wing is using the Congressional appropriations process to decimate public radio and television. We could lose this critical independent voice and quality programming.
Take action today! Click here to urge your Representative to stand up for the independent media free from partisan and ideological control by voting for full funding for PBS and NPR.
Charmaine, The Dreamer and
Your Business BloggerBig Bird can fly on its own. When The Dreamer was 18 months old we comforted her on camera when interviewed — by a stuffed animal we had paid for with real money. Plus tax. (Or more likely, a grandmother paid for with real money. . .) The Yellow Bird to the rescue!
A cool 100 million dollars. We could get one very nice, brand new F-22 Raptor. And the world would be a better place.
Peggy Noonan says, news flash: PBS is liberal. . . and that Democrats may even admit as much. . . (though, obviously, not the Fem Minority who seems to think PBS/NPR is an “independent critical voice”).
Our leftist friends at The Washington Monthly are upset.
A civil hat tip to the liberal GrubbyKid.
See Mudville Gazette with the unsubsidized Open Post.
Right Wing Sparkle has more at PBS Funding: Is It Worth It?
Trey Jackson sick of taxes for Lefty Liberal Bile Hat tip to Trey for pointing us to Atlas Shrugs…
Atlas Shrugs can lift and move any debate especially on PBS

Blue’s Clues does just fine in the open market without public funding. Why can’t Sesame Street do the same?
I guess the biggest advantage to public television is that there are no commercials, but they’ve been sneaking them in for years anyway.