Yesterday we flew over the Esperanza fires. The pilot came on the intercom to warn us — he said some people were frightened by the smell of burning when they didn’t know it was coming from the fires! Sure enough shortly we saw enormous, billowing, reddish clouds and an acrid smell.
The Dude has the pictures.

I live aboaut 40 miles from the fire on the beach in Orange County. Yesterday smoke could be seen rising behind the local foothills near Fullerton and Whittier. Today, Friday, the sky was grey all day with a steady but light layer of ash falling at work, at home and on the beach. We are also getting spectacular sunsets due to the ash and smoke diffusing the sunlight. Right now, 6:22 PDT, the sky to the west is a riot of colors framed by the smoke and ash. Much like one of Turner’s paintings.