Montaigne's Advice from Hugh Hewitt via Mere Orthodoxy

Hugh Hewitt and Charmaine Yoest
May, 2006 GodBlogCon finished up this weekend with bloggers from coast to coast gathering for a good time and, perhaps, some learning.
Andrew McKnight from Mere Orthodoxy has this observation,
Somehow politics don’t depress Mr. Hewitt. He walks in a murky world, but to watch him you’d think he lives perpetually on a sunny hill. His advice to young would-be culture changers (like me!) was two-fold:
1) Take Montaigne’s advice, “Constant cheerfulness is a mark of a truly wise person” and
2) “Find the good, and praise it.”
Hugh Hewitt’s
Painting the Map Red We just finished Hewitt’s Painting the Map Red: The Fight to Create a Permanent Republican Majority
A cheerful book.
A must read.
A happy read.
And be sure to catch the Young Politics Carnival at good reads for any age.

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