Media Alert: Charmaine on FOX News Sunday

Updated with Correction
The baby Amillia going home;
22 Weeks in the Womb
“The fetus beat us,” says our friend Naomi Wolf. [Correction: “The Fetus Beat Us” has been incorrectly attributed to Naomi Wolf. This is not true: Candace C. Crandall, should be credited. Her article “The Fetus Beat Us” is cited in Judge Robert Bork’s book Slouching Towards Gomorrah.]
The new-born Amillia is going home in her second trimester. A miracle of western medicine. Or simply a miracle.
This has the liberals at Planned Parenthood advocating on the wrong side of Life. As always.
Question: What do pro-choicers call a live birth?
Answer: A botched abortion.
And Baby Amellia is now a problem for the abortion advocates. A baby that has survived at week twenty-two.
FOX News Sunday Charmaine will be debating the wisdom of Life with merchants of death on FOX News on Sunday.
FOX News set up on baby Amillia,
Does her survival have the potential to inflame the abortion debate by raising new questions about when a fetus is viable?
Hit time is 9:00am EST. Check local listings. Please tune in and let us know what you think.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Full Disclosure: a few decades ago, Your Business Blogger was a medical device sales representative who often worked in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU pronounced KNICK-U). My doc’s back then were just beginning to save wee ones at 454 grams, about a pound. Today, salvation of such premature births is routine. If they aren’t aborted.
From the FRC Website, Baby Amillia Goes Home!
People everywhere are talking about the baby born after spending less than 22 weeks in her mother’s womb. Baby Amillia has been called everything from the pro-life icon, the new poster child for the pro-life movement, miracle baby to small wonder. Her parents are pleased just to hear her name. Yesterday, the Taylor’s were informed that they could take their daughter home. And even though her development is continually being monitored by medical staff people everywhere are rejoicing at the news.
The media attention Amillia is getting should WAKE UP AMERICA to the fact that life can not be determined merely by length of time in the womb. At 21 weeks, Amillia Taylor was more than just a “blob of tissue” as the media and pro-choice advocates would want you to believe. Although not fully developed yet, Amillia has attributes of a full term baby only smaller. She had tiny visible toes, wiggly fingers, and a beating heart! Instinctively Amillia knew she had to fight, and fight she did. Doctors are now saying her prognosis is excellent. Amilla’s continued success embodies the cliche “big things come in small packages.”

Charmaine, You were awesome! You did great and looked so beautiful. Thank you for fighting for the unborn.
Charmaine — just saw you on Fox News (had tevoed it from earlier!). You were FANTASTIC and looked so good.
What on earth was Tammy Bruce trying to say, by the way? Not biologically complete at 22 weeks or whatever it was? Is a ten year old who loses an arm no longer biologically complete?
Anyway, thought you were just fantastic!!
best, C.