Editor’s Choice: Must Reads

Worthwhile Reads:
If this is our new guide, we’re lost by Gina Dalfonzo with excellent commentary on Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt Learn about FUD: fear, uncertainty and doubt, at Why Sell Is Still a Four Letter Word by Charles H. Green — brought to us at no charge by Carnival of Sales & Management Success, hosted by Brad Trnavsky
Leading by Example in a World of Copy Cats By Michelle Cramer via Carnival of Leadership Development hosted by The Engaging Brand blog with Anna Farmery, Business Coach and Speaker
And be sure to visit the Carnival of Image & Influence | Vol. 2 hosted by Steve Silvers. He graciously points to my article What is the best tactic to get a referral?
But Steve minimized the best referral in one of the better posts lately — which would be his. See references to Steve Silvers’ quotes in Forbes and from an article in the Associated Press, 2 Wal-Mart Critics Leave Group, By MARCUS KABEL,
Corporate reputation expert Steven Silvers said the move may signal that the union campaigns are reaching an end, with little new ground to cover after criticizing Wal-Mart for two years.
“At some point an activist group has to ask itself if it’s preaching to the choir,” said Silvers, from the Denver-based consulting company GBSM Inc.
“What they’re doing is going from rhetoric to relevance,” Silvers said. He said Blank and Kofinis can have more impact on Wal-Mart from the national platform of the presidential race.
Steve would be a blogger with reach.
Thank you (foot)notes:
STEVEN SILVERS is a Principal at GBSM, Inc., 600 17th Street, Suite 2020 South in Denver, CO 80202. Go visit www.gbsm.com
From the www.gbsm.com website.
Steven Silvers – Principal and Director, Corporate Affairs & Communications Group
Since 1986, GBSM has helped hundreds of clients facing complex challenges in a number of areas.
We are a team of highly experienced professionals who built successful track records as senior executives in business, news media, government and non-profit organizations long before becoming consultants. We understand the complex nexus of business, government, media and community in which organizations operate today. We understand the speed and dynamics of today’s always-on, hyperconnected world. And we understand the kinds of challenges executives face in that complicated environment. We’ve been there ourselves.
We can help your organization in a lot of ways: To more clearly define itself and its goals. Enhance its reputation. Diagnose a problem. Manage a crisis. Plan and execute an important strategic initiative. Orchestrate communications to support major change efforts. Communicate and build credibility with key stakeholders. Coach your people and enhance your internal capabilities.
Steven Silvers is an accomplished corporate affairs, reputation management and crisis communications expert with 25 years experience in dozens of industries and issues. He has held communications management positions at the Pentagon, Texas Instruments, OgilvyPR, Hill & Knowlton. Before joining GBSM as director of the firm’s corporate affairs group, Steve was founding president of ClarusPR, a leading Denver firm representing emerging growth and technology companies.

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