Virginia Tech Murder's Video: Charmaine Discusses Evil with Glenn Beck on CNN

Charmaine Yoest appeared on CNN Headline News on the Glenn Beck Show on April 20, 2007 to discuss the murders at Virginia Tech. Watch the segment here. Linked thru the Family Research Council site.
One of her suggestions: Banish the murder’s name.
Glenn Beck is shown opposite Chris Matthews. Glenn Beck will win with his conservative perspective.
Not everyone agrees with Charmaine and Glenn. Jon Gold from The Daily Iowan writes in Gunning for guns,
Almost immediately after the full horror of the Virginia Tech massacre had been realized, commentators all over the political spectrum broke out in fits of wild, uncontrolled – and almost entirely groundless – speculation about the tragedy’s effect on gun control. Little was actually said, and still less made any sense. Charmaine Yoest of the ultra-right wing Family Research Council blamed godless liberals – of course – for the tragedy. “We can [tell kids] ‘Thou shalt not smoke,’ but we can’t tell them, ‘Thou shall not kill,’ because that might bring … the concept of God into the classrooms.” That’s right, folks, kids won’t know that killing people is wrong unless we make them read the Ten Commandments.
But today I, too, am going to make a partisan argument out of the tragedy. I feel guilty, but I think it’s got to be done, and here’s my point: There are too d@mned many guns floating around in this country.
Liberal logic: Guns bad; Abortion good; Smoking bad. And the Ten Commandments can be displayed only where they would be irrelevant. Like an empty liberal mainstream protestant church.

A point to consider: Of the ten commandments:
– Three of them are expressly and explicltly violated by the first ammendment to the constitution, which clearly enshrines in the most authorative document in US law the right of citizens to worship whoever they want, to make any idols they want, and to use the names of any god they wish in whatever way they want.
Of the remaining seven, only three have any basis in US criminal law. One more has a very minor civil role, it may affect divorce proceedings. Of those three, all of them are fairly common in all legal systems, including those originating in non-jewish/christian cultures, because they are just common sense: No murder, no stealing.
The last three are completly irrelivent to US law. Completly. Not one paragraph of any currently-in-effect bill is related to them.
So, why must the commandments be so prominently displayed? They are a talking point, but that appears to be all.