MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine on National Review Online, MSNBC

Charmaine on an earlier
MSNBC appearance Charmaine will be on MSNBC tomorrow to discuss the marriage bill in Texas. It’s a good thing. (Don’t Mess With Texas.) Story at the jump.
Hit times are 10:30am, 11:00am and 2pm eastern, Thursday, May 17, 2007. Live each time; same topic. Tune in and let us know what you think.
Charmaine’s analysis of last night’s GOP Presidential Debate appears in NRO today.
An outstanding review of presidential politics from the nation’s premier political scientist.
(Unbiased opinion.)
National Review Online
See her link to the Fred Thompson video. Funny. And Presidential.
In other presidential race news, Mike Jingozian is running for President. He is a bit confused — he’s running as an Independent but attempted to enlist the Libertarian support at a rally in California. Since he produces videos, we look forward to an Angelvision political video. A great line extension. (He’s the Presidential Candidate who hired a private investigator to spy on Your Business Blogger. I am honored.)
And see Huckabee.
AP story House agrees with Senate, sends marriage fee bill to governor
AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas marriage license fee will would increase from $30 to $60 but would be waived for couples who take a premarital education course under a proposal the Legislature passed Tuesday, sending it next to Gov. Rick Perry.
The measure by Rep. Warren Chisum, a Pampa Republican, also would waive the state’s 72-hour marriage waiting period for couples who participate in the course.
The House agreed Tuesday to changes the Senate made to the bill. The major change was upping the license fee to $60, a move that had previously been batted down in the House. Critics had complained that amounted to a marriage tax on couples who choose not to enroll in the premarital course.
Chisum said an increasing divorce rate is “wrecking this country.”
“Our intent is to have healthy marriages,” Chisum said. “It’s now going to cost $60 to get married if you don’t take this course.”
The bill calls for an eight-hour course to cover such topics as conflict management and communication skills.
This, I don’t understand. Every woman in America is walking down the street talking to a boyfriend/husband/SO on a cell phone. And what is a woman’s first complaint about men?
“We don’t communicate.”

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