Best Bumper Sticker This Week


Your Business Blogger was having lunch in the Congressional Dining Room in Your Nation’s Capitol. On the way there I saw the Best Bumper Sticker This Week,


Short phrase, short words, neat twist, compelling message.

My old boss, Jim Gilmore won the governorship of Virginia with the bumper sticker message,


Dr. Frank Luntz writes about pithy messaging in his book, Words that Work, It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear.

Frank has Ten Rules of Successful Communications:

1) Simplicity: Use Small Words

2) Brevity: Use Short Sentences

3) Credibility is as Important as Philosophy

4) Consistency Matters

5) Novelty: Offer Something New

6) Sound and Texture Matter

7) Speak Aspirationally

8) Visualize

9) Ask a Question

10) Provide Context and Explain Relevance

Can your marketing campaign fit on a bumper sticker?


Wendell Robinson has an excellent review of Luntz’s book.

Media Matters doesn’t like Luntz; at the jump.

Luntz — PBS’ pick to survey public response after Democratic forum — was longtime Giuliani pollster

As Media Matters for America has noted, Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who the Public Broadcasting Service has announced will provide “public feedback” following PBS’ coverage of the June 28 Democratic presidential forum, has shown open disdain for Democratic priorities and candidates and has reportedly been reprimanded and censured by his peers for withholding and misrepresenting polling data and methodology.


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2 Responses

  1. Stacy L Harp says:

    Yeah, I have a bumpersticker…how about … “Reclaiming the Rainbow” – I actually almost had this made up years ago when I was mad that the gay activists started using the rainbow to promote perversion.

    Oh, and that’s a great book. I have it in audio format 🙂

  2. Jill says:

    How nice of you to recognize Wendell’s work! We love Wendell out here. Even though he’s a Republican. Or was, or something. Wendell can explain – or if you’ve read his blog, you know the story.