MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine Quoted in the Nashville Post on Thought Crimes

Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
Family Research Council
Pictured in The Nashville Post Family Research Council targets Lamar over hate-crimes bill, byline E. Thomas Wood. He writes,
“A major national religious conservative group is mounting a telephone campaign intended to keep Republican Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander on the ideological straight and narrow when it comes to hot-button social issues.
The Family Research Council is placing automated calls (sometimes known as “robo-calls”) to Nashville households about legislation that would include attacks motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation among the offenses covered by federal hate-crime laws.”
If you have never listened to a “robo-call” here’s your chance.
Catch Charmaine’s voice on the automated call here. Link courtesy of the Nashville Post, where,
“…FRC Vice President for Communications Charmaine Yoest warns voters about “legislation that would provide extra punishment for certain crimes committed against specially protected classes of people.” Yoest urges the call recipients to telephone Alexander’s Nashville office and urge that the senator vote ‘no’ on any hate-crimes bill that grants special protection to people because of their sexual preferences.”
Note also the language: The liberal reporter Thomas Wood says sexual orientation. Charmaine says, sexual preference. It is a sexual preference, not a genetic “orientation.”
The liberal says hate crimes. The conservative says thought crimes.
John Edwards is close — there may not be two Americas, but there are certainly two world views.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Alert Readers will recognize the Official Family Research Council portrait of Your Business Blogger’s wife, Charmaine. It was the subject of some debate.
See Randy Thomas with FRC on Thought Crimes Vote and HRC Misleads USA Today Readers.
Visit Hate Crime e-mail Alert for contact information.

Bearing false witness must not be as bad as being gay.
Why not post the text of the hate crimes bill, Charmaine?
Let your readers know what’s in it!