Managing Management Time Luncheons: Arlington, Baltimore & Washington, DC

Monkey Business Management Jack Linkletter said, “…‘Managing Management Time – Who’s Got the Monkey?’ was profound, entertaining, and practical – lots of insights that can readily be incorporated into your life…I strongly recommend…”
Caution: Invitation (and sales pitch) follows for management training.
Join your friends for lunch and get an overview on the Managing Management Time seminars.
In 1974 Harvard Business Review published Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey, by Bill Oncken, Jr.. HBR introduces this management philosophy,
For managers to function effectively, they need to have as much discretionary time as possible. But where can they find it? They can’t take it away from activities mandated by their supervisors, nor can they really borrow it from time allocated to helping peers. The only viable solution is reducing the time spent handling subordinates’ problems.
“Life in the business world’s fast lane, for me, would be inconceivable without knowing and applying the business philosophy expressed in Monkey Business.” — Richard Viguerie
“Most recommendations you get about handling management are either useless or counter-productive. But in Monkey Business you get the best advice in the universe today.”– Paul Weyrich
Morton Blackwell, President of The Leadership Institute, writes about Monkey Business,
Monkey Business
by William Oncken III
There are three types of laws.
Man-made laws, the result of human legislation, vary from place to place and time to time. Some are wise. Some are foolish. Some are destructive. Some are unworkable and can’t ever be enforced. Some only apply to specific categories of people…
We can build and fly an airplane, but we’d get into big trouble if we ignored or forgot the physical laws about how gravity affects all objects.
Similarly, there’s a wealth of hard-won, trial-and-error knowledge about the world of human endeavor. Some actions produce better results than others. Those who would lead others in any activity, from politics to business, should seek out and study the best sources of wisdom about what makes someone a successful leader…
Think deeply about the principles presented. Everything you hope to achieve in your current job and all future jobs may depend on your understanding and application of this wisdom.
Pick a location and date,
23 August in Arlington, Virginia for the Susan B. Anthony List
24 August in Baltimore for The Harbour League
16 October in Washington, DC at the Free Congress Foundation with Connie Marshner, of Raphael Consulting Services.
“Managing Management Time is not just about time management; it’s a complete course in management.”
— Ken Blanchard
Thank you (foot)notes:
For more information and propaganda on management training visit Management Training of DC, LLC.
Bill Oncken is on target! Monkey Business is serious management. Public sector, private sector — Monkey Business will get you the discretionary management time you need. Monkey Business stands the test of time…your time! John Wesley Yoest, Jr. [fomer] Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Resources, The Commonwealth of Virginia
Full Disclosure: Your Business Blogger penned a book blurb for Bill Oncken in 2000.

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