The Carnival of the Capitalists Is Here at Reasoned Audacity

The biggest complaint of the blogosphere is that the writing has no accountability, no third party oversight.
Except the carnivals. And the best business carnival in the business is The Carnival of the Capitalists.
Submissions, as the Alert Reader will know, are self-selected by the author, and edited and vetted by the carnival host. Not every article submission is accepted.
My friend Anita Campbell leads this week’s carnival with about the best collection of podcasts todate. This is an essential resource for anyone considering podcasting or who might want to be a guest on radio and podcasts — and who needs a list of the better podcasts. Anita Campbell presents 100 Small Business Audio Podcasts posted at Small Business Trends Radio | Small Business Information. Anita demonstrates here what is best about the blogosphere. (Full Disclosure: Your Business Blogger has written for Anita Campbell.)
Wayne Hurlbert tells us in Management techniques: Delegating responsibility,
As a company grows, the number of responsibilities grow right along with it. Not only do the number of departments expand, but their size and scope increases as well. Taken together, managing all departments and staff within the organization becomes too much for any one person. No one possesses the time or skills required for each and every job in the business. Delegation of responsibility is essential. It is here that problems can arise that can hurt the company’s performance.
Wayne, as usual, gets it right: One of the biggest challenges to the manager, especially the business owner, is to have staff that are less Boss reliant — and become more self reliant members of the team. Wayne Hurlbert is always worthwhile reading.
Brian at Financial Dominance shows us the new Illinois 529 Bright Start Savings plan and simply explains why this plan has went from one of the worst 529 plans in the US to one of the best. This article caught our attention: the Penta-Posse will be venturing to higher education soon (too soon…) We would have liked a bit more detail on the fee structure and how other states complicate this. But Brian points us to a way these education savings plans should work at Very Happy With Illinois 529 Savings Plan.
Douglas Galbi at purple motes has a thoughtful piece television serves couch potatoes
Don’t rush the lawyers if you have been wronged. Read this counter-intuitive, yet practical article by Carmen Van Kerckhove at Race in the Workplace with What to Do If You’re Experiencing Racial Discrimination At Work,
Think twice before reporting racial discrimination to your company’s human resources department. Why? Because it’s not always the most effective strategy.
Read on for a step-by-step guide on what to do if you believe your supervisor is discriminating against you because of your race…
See Jason Koeppe’s Strategic Internet Marketing Blog and A Step By Step Guide For Choosing the Right Keywords –,
Effective keyword research is underrated. Really. And not just in its benefit and importance as it relates to SEO and online search marketing. Thoroughly understanding what keyword phrases your target audience is using to find you (your product or services) is literally invaluable. This knowledge is one of the best weapons you have in your business building arsenal and this weapon can be used both online and off. We’ll come back to that thought a bit later. For now, let’s dive right into how to effectively choose the best keywords for search marketing…
Nickel does the numbers in How to Make Money in the Stock Market (Revisited). The numbers are compelling. No charge.
Here are some youthful capitalists who are starting really early with their business plans: 5 Of The Youngest Entrepreneurs On Their Path To Success And Riches on thedigeratilife by the Silicon Valley Blogger.
Steven Silvers who can manage image better most anyone has Vick story prompts greyhound racing industry to defend itself earlier than usual. posted at Scatterbox by Steven Silvers,
The American Greyhound Track Operators Association rushes to spin some distance between the controversies surrounding its own industry and the nation’s new interest in illegal dog fighting.
Vick should have hired Silvers.
David Kam presents The Importance of Logo posted at
Gustav S submits 10 Reasons why only 4% of the population achieve their goals posted at
Ian Welsh has a Biblical reference Reaping What You Sow: Hedge Fund and Housing Bubble Edition posted at The Agonist,
What’s happening to the housing and financial markets right now is the entirely foreseeable consequence of past deliberate policy decisions by the Fed and the Bush administration. The reason a bail-out is finally occurring is because the people who matter are getting hurt.
Kurt Brouwer has Subprime and Stocks? What Happened? posted at Fundmastery Blog,
Financial markets around the globe have been weak and jittery in recent weeks. The following discussion is meant to give you some background on the subprime lending mess and how it spread throughout the financial markets.
Dax Desai writes What does the potential Fed rate cut mean? posted at Dax Desai, where he explains the effect of the potential Fed interest rate cut on investments.
Pawel Brodzinski presents 15 Ways to Be a Good Boss posted at Software Project Management,
Want to be a leader who will be followed by the team? Want to have employees working willingly on your success? Want to be a good boss?
Michael Fowke presents Canary Wharf: the new reality posted at Money is the way. All about investment banks in Canary Wharf and their new way of doing business.
Barry Welford presents Google Rankings Drive Sales – SEO Expectations posted at BPWrap – Internet Marketing From A Different Point Of View,
Some website owners assume that Google keyword search rankings directly affect sales. So a #1 position will be better than a #2 or #3 position. What counts is the bottom-line result and many other factors come into play in determining that.
Louise Manning presents What is business ethics? posted at The Human Imprint,
Politicians are trying too hard to pressure the Federal Reserve. If they aren’t stopped now, we’ll have a much harder time stopping them in a few years when they try to use an inflation tax to balance the budget.
Peter has Decide For the Success of Your Home Based Business posted at Make Money Online.
Read the Millionaire Mommy Next Door with How to Treat Affluenza: Spend Less and Live a Happier Life posted at Millionaire Mommy Next Door,
The number of “very happy” people peaked in 1957, and has remained fairly stable or declined ever since. Even though we consume twice as much as we did in the 1950s, people were just as happy when they had less. 86% of Americans who voluntarily cut back their consumption feel happier as a result.
wilson ng presents The Challenge of Providing Choice posted at Reflections of a BizDrivenLife,
Some people want a variety of choice, while some people want quality pre-selected information. Whether you are selling products or ideas, how many alternatives do you provide? Here is a short article on how the number of offerings affect decision-making.
Chief Family Officer presents Great Debate over at AFM: To Sell or Not To Sell? posted at Chief Family Officer.
FMF submits What I’d Do with a High-Paying, Unrewarding Job posted at Free Money Finance and read how he’s handled bad job situations
Alvaro Fernandez outlines The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains posted at Brain Fitness Blog with some tips to keep our brains sharp.
Good news for health insurance costs: Insureblog‘s Henry Stern reports that prices are moderating, and explains why.
Leon Gettler has original reporting with an Interview with AXS-One chairman and CEO Bill Lyons posted at Sox First,
An interview with AXS-One chairman and CEO Bill Lyons on why companies struggle with their electronic documents and how email is the new legal Chernobyl.
Wally Bock at Three Star Leadership says, Evidence-Based Management offers the manager some effective tools for making better decision. But it may be harder than you think to make the vision of what Evidence-Based Management can do match up with reality. See issues.
Nina presents Gay Affluence: fact, fiction, or somewhere in between? posted at Queercents,
Gay affluence is a myth and perhaps the most misunderstood fact about gays and lesbians. We are not wealthier. Or are we?
Rob May writes What Dasani Bottled Water Taught Me About Better Blogging posted at Businesspundit, A case study of Dasani provides insight into why blogging requires more than just quality posts.
Matthew Paulson presents Long Term Care Insurance: When It Makes Sense, When It Doesn’t. posted at
Where are interest rates headed? James Hamilton of Econbrowser concludes that the Fed has abandoned its 5.25% target for the fed funds rate, and, when it goes back to targeting, will pick a lower value, in Whee!
Charles H. Green presents It’s a Dog Eat Dog World, Isn’t It? posted at Trust Matters,
In an emerging business world that throws everyone together in constantly permutating ways, that old competitive nature we prized decades ago is becoming a bit of a millstone.
Babak presents Bond Market Screaming For Rate Cut – Fed Listening? posted at Trader’s Narrative.
Marlon J. Broussard presents The True value of Money in Our Age | MoneyBlog posted at MoneyBlog,
The point is not to just point out the fact that a dollar is only worth 4 cents (about the exact cost of printing, regardless of the denomination), but to shed light on some things you need to be mindful of…
Logan Flatt, CFA suggests A Simple, 3-Step Program posted at,
How would you like to live in crushing, abject poverty? Does the idea of living and sleeping on the streets of a major American city sound appealing to you? Would you like to grow old and penniless, spending your final days on this Earth barely getting by on the meager checks sent to you by some large government bureaucracy? Well, my friend, do I have the program for you.
Michelle Cramer warns us of A Bad Customer Service Experience posted at GreatFX Business Cards,
The customer, in fact, is not always right, but good customer service is treating her as though she is. Making the customer feel appreciated, even when they are not pleased, is the goal.
Next week’s carnival will be celebrated on September 3, 2007 at the Geek Practitioners Blog.

Thanks for hosting and including my post!
Tremendous job, Jack!
Thank you for hosting and for including our post.
Thank you for hosting and posting!
Thanks for including my post! I’ve linked back here in The Million Dollar Blog Carnival Roundup (August 31, 2007 Edition) at:
A helluva carnival. It’s a little easy to get side-tracked by the sideshows!
Who’s your reader? Reasoned Audacity–great concept!
Lee Thayer, CEO
The Leader’s Journey