Best Bumper Sticker This Week #2

“Look!” I shout to Charmaine, “Look-it! A Republican! In Arlington!”
“In this neighborhood?” says Charmaine, ever the cynic.
“Yes, over there — the bumper sticker…” I’m pointing.
It says,
Republicans for Voldemort
“Is…whats-his-name, Voldemort running local?” Your Business Blogger cares about elections.
“Not likely. He’s a bad guy in Harry Potter,” Charmaine says. “I don’t think they’re conservatives — they’re democrats.”
“Who?” I wonder. “Harry Potter or our neighbors?”
“Hard to tell.” says Charmaine.
“Does that mean we can’t vote for him?” I’m disappointed. I like mean managers.
“It would be a fair race: We’d get Voldemort — they get Hillary…”
This election’s gonna be scary.

Your conversation over the sign is the funniest thing about the whole situation! That’s great.