The Family Research Council & The Washington Briefing, 2007

The Washington Briefing hosted by the Family Research Council in Your Nation’s Capital this weekend was a success.
Over 400 people were issued media credentials. The media hits are still being counted. The FRC straw poll was mentioned a half-dozen times on the FOX debate last night.
This just in from FRC,
…the Briefing was covered by well over 400 members of the media, including 31 bloggers. C-Span broadcast the event live gavel-to-gavel and camera crews from all five networks and countries including Norway, Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, and the Netherlands were present. The Briefing ended up with over 1200 media “hits” — 1000 stories in print, as well as 235 in television coverage.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Be sure to read Management of New Media: 4 Lessons From The Washington Briefing by Your Business Blogger
Also see evangelical outpost: Reflections on culture, politics, and religion from an evangelical worldview.
And visit: Dr. Charmaine Yoest
And another view at Another monkey put in charge of the zoo
Family Research Council: General Schedule
More at the jump.
Jared Bridges, from FRC writes on the FRCBlog:
Briefing Coverage from the Washington Briefing’s New Media Row
We’ve got a full slate of bloggers here at New Media Row, which is sponsored by our friends at Americans United for Life
- Randy Thomas is posting at
- Erick Erickson of Redstate
- Ana Marie Cox from Time’s Swampland Blog
- Jim Geraghty of NRO’s Campaign Spot
- Anastasia Uglova and J.P. Freire from NBC Universal’s Politalk Blog
- Matthew Anderson of Mere Orthodoxy
- Dan Nejfelt from Faith in Public Life
- Justin Hart of Race 4 2008 and
- Melinda Penner and Amy Hall from Stand To Reason
- Democratis
- Nathan Bradfield from Church and State Blog
- N.Z. Bear from The Truth Laid Bear
- Mark Ambinder of The Atlantic
- Byron York from NRO’s The Corner
- Philip Klein of The American Spectator’s AmSpecBlog
- Jill Stanek of
- Sharon Soon from Conservatives With Attitude
- Mary Katharine Ham, Amanda Carpenter, Matt Lewis, and Kevin McCullough of

Mike Huckabee’s Speech at The Washington Briefing and the Value of a Bumper Sticker
Huckabee is surging. Watch why. From The Washington Briefing, hosted by the Family Research Council. And be sure to support your favorite candidate. Your Business Blogger will soon be a-sporting bumper stickers. Alert Reader PB writes, I am a…