Women in Combat: Equal Treatment Under Law

Equal Treatment Under Law, by Steve Myers
Let us have the women join us, as we tumble down to war,
As we spill our blood – and others’ only men have spilled before;
When the sisters see the monster that awaits us – will they cry
As it rushes, hits, and maims us in the twinkle of an eye?
Let the women see us weeping as we view our comrades, dead,
Then, continue to the skirmish with sheer mayhem in our heads,
“Follow me!” courageous mother! Mother Courage, know your name,
You may find yourself a leader when the choice is doom or fame
That takes us down to Hell’s last ring, before we lift our eyes,
To a Nature without nurture – in the cordite-scented skies.
Yes, let us march together as we face the foe and fight,
You, the woman on my left hand I the man there at your right,
We will face the test together, but must struggle each, alone,
As a brother and a sister, but never quite as one.
For, when that moment happens, then the Solider-hood of arms
Confuses war’s dark passion – and may do us deadly harm;
Now, command makes its decision; now the forward line will move,
It matters not this moment, whether talking heads approve,
We set aside the quibbling – take a deep and fearful breath —
The offering’s gender – yours or mine – means naught to Sergeant Death.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Credit: John Howland’s USNA-AT-LARGE, who says, “Maybe we will have to change the game if there are no satisfactory rules in the present contest.”

are you really comparing the navy with the mc? This is making the airforce look bad. You shouldnt show hate for your brothers and sisters, as far as comparing the navy with the mc, thats a joke.
if anything it would be airforce/navy. The navy and airforce are the most pampard of them all, the navy ships the army/mc to iraq than go back and do the same thing over and over.
Not a good example for our country by posting this chart.