MEDIA ALERT: Charmaine on FOX Supporting Huckabee…For The Children

Mitt Romney (officially) spent $9 million in Iowa. Insiders estimate the Romney total will be over $15 million.
Romney spent this on some 14,000 attack ads clouding the state. You have to be here to see it.
Huckabee spent about $11.37. And he’s got the cutest babes working for him.
The Dreamer, Dude and Diva worked the phones today at the Des Moines Huckabee headquarters on Locust St.
The Huckabee volunteers made over 11,500 phone calls today to remind Iowans to caucus. The volunteers were normal people. And like normal conservative people we have kids. Lotsa kids. And like most normal conservatives, we love our kids — and like being around them…mostly. And we bring our kids where ever we go — and it’s not just to avoid the sitter expense. We teach our children well, as the old song goes.
Reporters trooped through the campaign HQ all day interviewing and tripping over all the children and getting kids tangled up in cables. The media-persons were amazed. “How do you get anything done with all these kids around?” one reporter wondered. She was not smiling when she asked.
Forget ‘how.’ (Parents have some practice working with and around kids.) The word should be the ‘why.’ “Why” do you work so hard with the kids in the way? — The kids — are the ‘why’ we volunteer and have to work a bit harder to work around the little ones running about.
It really is for the future. We want to make the world a better place for our kids. And with the help of Huckabee.
Family Values. Close down the IRS. Strengthen the Armed Services so that no one even thinks about messing with the US of A. (We know ‘corporal punishment…’)
Well, yes: it really is “for the children.”
Chip Saltsman, put the following up on the Huckabee blog. Chip is the campaign manager, who gets it with new media,
The Boo-Baby working hard for the mommy “Hi everybody. My name is James. (But my family calls me Jamie B.) I am supporting “I Like Mike” for President. My Mommy works for Mike Huckabee, so I have been having a great time on the campaign food trail. And today I have been at campaign headquarters making phone calls.
Well, actually my older brother and sisters are calling for caucus goers. I’ve been getting some nice naps when I’m not spilling stuff on computers. (Adults have no sense of humor.)
We are working to elect the next president to make the world and my life a better place. And help me clean up my room.
I’m glad Mr. Huckabee is Pro-Life and likes kids. Even when they throw up on stuff.
After my afternoon snooze-timeout, my mom and dad might let me stay up real late to watch I-Like-Mike Huckabee on Jay Leno.
GO MIKE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Thank you (foot)notes:
Tomorrow Charmaine flies to New Hampshire. And The Penta-Posse got a world class education over the last few weeks. Monday they will return to school…where they will kill some time so that their real education can continue in the South Carolina primary.
Thank you to Alert Reader and good friend, Stacy at Active Christian Media for pointing Your Business Blogger to the YouTube clip.

I think it is great you take your kids. I clicked on the video and it isn’t available any longer :(.
Oh, and I put in a request to interview someone from the campaign through the website yesterday. I don’t have to worry about tripping over kids :).
Randy, thanks for the heads-up.
Re-loaded the video clip.
It was 6 degrees this morning — must have effected the code…
Jack (and Charmaine)
I am bummed that I ended up missing it after jumping through hoops to be
I have tried
to search for it on to no avail.
I have been praying and
asking the Lord how He can use me in this….I am so convicted that Huckabee should be our next president.
I am bummed that I ended up missing it after jumping through hoops to be
I have tried
to search for it on to no avail.
I have been praying and
asking the Lord how He can use me in this….I am so convicted that Huckabee should be our next president.