USS Bonefish SS-223 Patch

Alert Reader Richard Neault sends this email,
Mr. Yoest,
I was stationed on the Bonefish (SS-582)from 1984-1988. In 1988 we had a fire that killed three of our friends and ended the career of the Bonefish. I had met the widow of the CO of the first Bonefish when she presented the crew with a Holy Bible.
I have been assembling different items for a framed tribute piece for both the first and second bonefish. I have always been fascinated with the first boat and what happened to her.
I have been trying to find information about the battleflag of the first bonefish and have been unable to. I have also been trying to find an original, or at least a good reproduction, of the patch from the first bonefish. If you can help me with either of these items, I would be very grateful. I am in the process of founding a local museum about the Cold War and hope one day to place these items in the museum. It must have been an honor to have had a father who was a part of the Greatest Generation.
I appreciate his service to our country.
Please tell your wife that I also appreciate the things she has done and that we are one family that appreciates the FRC and the real conservatives in politics.
Richard Neault
Here is the patch of which he may be speaking. I would be honored to donate the Bonefish artifact to the museum, if the item would be helpful.
If there are other Alert Readers who might have items of interest, please contact Mr. Neault through his website — or email Your Business Blogger(R)
Thank you (foot)notes:
Also see USS Bonefish Lost: A Remembrance 18 June
See Virtual Paintings of Bonefish by Tom McMahon

Mr. & Mrs. Yoest,
I received the patch today. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it. I currently have Postal Covers commemorating the keel laying, launching and commissioning of her. I will have a page soon on my website too. Thanks again!
Hello Richard,
I too served on the USS Bonefish (SS)582 from Dec. 1975 until April 1980. I too am intrigued by the namesake boat as on deployment we even rendered honors to her at a position where we believe she may be resting.
I have also started a base with USSVI comemorating both boats. Feel free to go to the USSVI website and search bases in California. You will notice our crest is much the same as the namesake. You are also welcome to join the base if it so suites you. You will have to join USSVI first though.
I look forward to seeing your museum. BTW, next May is the Quintcentenial for the B-Girls Reunion in Portland. Hope to see you there.
Mike Williamson
USSVI Bonefish Base
(SS)-223 / (SS)-582
AL Post 106
Redlands CA
Meetings 3rd Saturday each month.
I’m the author of several submarine books and I’m looking for information about the USS Bonefish (SS-223). When I saw your Web site, I thought you might be able to help. Are you aware of any group, particularly family members of lost sailors, or other individuals who have a more than passing interest in the Bonefish, and who may have documents and other material about her? Or have a story to relate, perhaps similar to your own. Do you know if her wreckage has been located in Toyama Wan, charted or photographed? Do you know of any effort that’s been mounted to find her? Anything you can tell me would be helpful.
Thank you and best wishes,
Peter Sasgen