Voter Guides Funded by Americans United for Life

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government. Thomas Jefferson
Do voters know that Obama would allow babies born alive to die? Infanticide by neglect?
Not even our friends at the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) would allow a baby born alive to die.
Is this what the abortion-friendly Democratic party has become?
Alert Readers will recall that Charmaine studied and taught on Grounds — the Academical Village — at Mr. Jefferson’s University at Virginia.
Obama is no Jefferson.
To inform voters, Americans United for Life will help fund voter guides.
See Americans United for Life Increases Funding for Voter Guides
Contact: Matthew Eppinette, 202-289-1479; Daniel McConchie, 312-568-4700,; both with Americans United for Life
CHICAGO, August 12 /Standard Newswire/ — Americans United for Life today announces the availability of $500,000 for 501(c)(3) organizations who wish to create and distribute non-partisan educational voter guides for the upcoming elections.
AUL President Dr. Charmaine Yoest said, “Voter guides are a way to empower voters to make well-informed choices on election day. Pro-life Americans want to get beyond the spin and know the truth, based on the record, about where the candidates stand.”
Daniel McConchie, AUL Vice President & Executive Director, added, “Pro-life voters are a key constituency that both Democrats and Republicans ignore at their peril. Americans United for Life is looking forward to helping pro-life Americans across the country vote their values in this election.”
AUL spent $215,000 on creation and distribution of more than 2.8 million voter guides in 2006. With the additional investment this year, AUL plans to distribute more than 6 million voter guides nationwide.
Organizations interested in applying for voter-guide funds should contact Daniel McConchie by September 12.
For more information or to apply, contact:
Daniel McConchie
Americans United for Life
310 S. Peoria St.
Ste. 500
Chicago, IL 60607
About Americans United for Life
Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization whose vision is a nation in which every human being is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life through vigorous judicial, legislative, and educational efforts at both the federal and state levels since 1971. The Wall Street Journal has profiled AUL, and PBS’s Frontline program chronicled AUL’s successful efforts in Mississippi.
See Charmaine’s new bio and the Democratic Party Platform position on abortion at the jump.
Charmaine will be speaking at the University of Virginia. Come visit: Save the Date: September 27, 2008; Women in Leadership
The ‘Making Abortion Rare’ Hoax
Dr. Charmaine Yoest is President and CEO of Americans United for Life, the first national pro-life organization in the nation, whose legal strategists have been involved in every pro-life case before the United States Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade.
Dr. Yoest began her career in The White House during the Reagan Administration and recently served as a Senior Adviser to the 2008 Huckabee for President Campaign. She is also the co-author of Mother in the Middle, an examination of childcare policy, published by HarperCollins.
A regular political commentator, Dr. Yoest has appeared on all of the major networks and cable outlets. In print, Dr. Yoest is quoted regularly and has been published widely.
Dr. Yoest has also provided Congressional testimony before both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate.
Previously, Dr. Yoest served as the Project Director of the Family, Gender and Tenure Project at the University of Virginia, a nationwide study funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She was also a recipient of Mellon, Olin, Bradley and Kohler Fellowships. She also served as a Vice President at the Family Research Council, one of the largest pro-family public policy organizations in the country.
Dr. Yoest has a Ph.D. in Politics from the University of Virginia. She and her husband, Jack, live with their five children in the Washington, DC area.
Gary Bauer sends us the Democrats’ position on abortion,
The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to affordable family planning services and comprehensive age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives.
We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.

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