Media Alert: Charmaine Quotes on Palin VP Pick and the Pregnancy

Charmaine has been interviewed by a number of media outlets on John McCain’s VP Palin pick and the announcement today that Palin’s daughter is getting married and is pregnant.
Statement from Dr. Charmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life, on Palin Daughter’s Pregnancy
Last update: 3:04 p.m. EDT Sept. 1, 2008
CHICAGO, Sept 01, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO of Americans United for Life, issued the following statement in response to news that the daughter of McCain running mate Sarah Palin is pregnant:
“As the mother of five children, I know this situation is not the ideal Sarah Palin wished for her daughter.
But the way we react to life’s challenges is the true testament to our character. The Palin family is displaying courage and constancy.
We join them in welcoming this new life. Our prayers are with the entire Palin family as they deal with this in the intense glare of the media spotlight.”
In Politico, Palin electrifies conservative base
By tapping the anti-abortion and pro-gun Alaska governor just ahead of his convention, which is set to start here Monday, McCain hasn’t just won approval from a skeptical Republican base – he’s ignited a wave of elation and emotion that has led some grass-roots activists to weep with joy.
Serious questions remain about McCain’s pick – exactly how much he knows about her and her positions, past and present, on key issues. But for the worker bee core of the party that is essential to any Republican victory, there are no doubts.
“I woke up and my e-mail was just going crazy,” said Charmaine Yoest, head of the legislative arm of Americans United for Life and a former top official in Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign. “And then when it was announced – it was like you couldn’t breathe.”
The Independent from the UK, McCain’s choice of running mate heads off potential rebellion, by David Usborne in St Paul, Sunday, 31 August 2008
Republican officials think that Mr McCain has solved that problem with the Palin pick. And they are cheered even more by the belief that it is the evangelical Christians who are most electrified – the same people who did so well by Mr Bush in 2000 and 2004.
Charmaine Yoest, a former top aide to presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee and a leading voice among conservative Republican women said the reaction to Mrs Palin has been beyond ecstatic. “I woke up and my e-mail was just going crazy,” she said here in St Paul. “And then when it was announced – it was like you couldn’t breathe.”
LifeNews writes, Pro-Life Groups Say Sarah Palin’s Abortion Rejection Reminds of McCain’s’ Adoption
Yoest told that McCain’s and Palin’s actions and words point to the key differences between them and their pro-abortion rivals Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
“The Republican ticket stands in stark contrast to the stridently pro-abortion ticket put forth by the Democratic party,” she said. “You can be sure the vice presidential selections will have far-reaching ramifications in this race.”
Obama came under fire for appearing to back a potential decision by his daughters to seek an abortion saying he wouldn’t “punish” them with a baby.
Thank you (foot)notes,
In related international abortion news,
LifeNews, Mexico Supreme Court’s Decision to Allow Capital City Abortions Upsets Pro-Life Groups
Mexico City, Mexico ( — The decision by the highest court in Mexico to uphold the law allowing abortions up to 12 weeks into pregnancy is drawing sharp criticism from leading pro-life groups. The Mexico Supreme Court voted 8-3 this past week to uphold a federal district law allowing abortions and paying for them at taxpayer expense through the government health care program.
Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life tells that the ruling ignores the negative impact of abortion on women and is a devastating step toward abortion on demand for other Latin American nations.
Yoest’s organization was one of the American pro-life groups to file an amicus brief with the Mexico Supreme Court in the case that could have ramifications throughout the region.
“We are dismayed the Mexican Supreme Court would ignore the overwhelming evidence that abortion hurts women. Upholding this law demonstrates a total lack of concern for the health and welfare of Mexican women,” she said.

Our prayers are with the Palin family.
And our support will continue!