Why Didn’t Hillary Clinton Get the Dem VP Nomination?

In the Yoest household kitchen Answer: She’s not married to Todd Palin.
On CNN yesterday Charmaine reinforced the point that women can succeed in any position at any level, if she has a deep support system. Beyond the government safety net.
The best support system is to marry a guy who will embrace the family mission, the family business. A husband who is not distracted by interns at 2am.
And will lift up his wife when her time comes…
And I’m not just talking pregnancy.
About half of all women who enter into a Ph.D. program do not finish. When Charmaine was working on her disertation at the University of Virginia, Your Business Blogger(R), MBA, and Charmaine’s parents, Mom, Ph.D; Dad, Ph.D; Brother, Ph.D. and Penta-Posse gathered together and strategized on the path to make sure that Charmaine was in the half that got ‘hooded.’
The extended family decided to invest in Charmaine.
Money was key but not the entire issue. Wisdom and logistical support were the real needs of house hold and five little ones.
Extended family and a hubby who will sacrifice for the family mission is the solution to whatever success the family, the mother, the mission will achieve.
Todd Palin is my kind of guy. Like me, he married way over his head and is not afraid to let the world know.
We are both married to CEO’s who advance the family mission. Our extended families have made sacrifices and investments to advance very talented women, very talented wives.
If more feminists had devoted husbands, maybe they’d enjoy more success. As well as the other benefits of marital bliss (re Five Children…).
And this is the real reason the liberals hate Sarah Palin. She is normal.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Fish on a bicycle by Ray Troll Feminist icon Gloria Steinem can be blamed for a lot problems these days in verbiage and communication in the battle of men vs women.
But not this phrase.
Gloria Steinem writes to Time Magazine,
“In your note on my new and happy marital partnership with David Bale, you credit me with the witticism A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. In fact, Irina Dunn, a distinguished Australian educator, journalist and politician, coined the phrase back in 1970 when she was a student at the University of Sydney.”
Credit should go to Irina Dunn, graffiti artist and Australian Senator from the Nuclear Disarmament Party.

Dear Jack, I watched that speech last night and I believe Sarah Palin knocked the ball out of the ball park – and so does my trophy wife, Kathy. She’d been leaning toward the new Messiah, but is now squarely back on the “right” side of the aile.
What has surprised me by all this uber-hype about Sarah P is that what goes on in her life and family is what goes on in ALL successful marriages. Both husband and wife work together as a team doing the things that need doing when they need doing; and as you’ve so well said above, sometimes we ALL make investments in one another, just like we do for our children all the way until they’re fully launched – and then we turn our interests to the grandkids.
I don’t see what the left doesn’t understand about this. Are they really so shallow that they don’t understand how successful marriages work? Sarah P is going to be a big hit this fall and well into the future regardless of how the election comes out. God Bless you and the lovely Charmaine and kiddies from their Uncle Ken.
Ken, thank you for your kind words and observations. The wisdom of the ages is that marriage is the way to get the security on this side of eternity.
We appreciate your thoughts over the years — even though you are not a blood relation, we are proud to call you ‘Uncle’ and to be a part of the extended family…
Which is exactly the support system that talented women need to succeed.
Thanks again,
Jack (and Charmaine)
Ken, thank you for your kind words and observations. The wisdom of the ages is that marriage is the way to get the security on this side of eternity.
We appreciate your thoughts over the years — even though you are not a blood relation, we are proud to call you ‘Uncle’ and to be a part of the extended family…
Which is exactly the support system that talented women need to succeed.
Thanks again,
Jack (and Charmaine)
A husband who is not distracted by interns at 2am.
i know you are talking about Palin but, how about John McCain being distracted by Cindy Hensley while he was still married to his first wife? You do know that was an affair don’t you? I imagine you are still sweeping that one under the rug.
And will lift up his wife when her time comes…
Want to discuss his use of the C word? And I am not talking about “Christ” loving woman.
Sarah Palin is Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Condi Rice rolled into one.
What a speech! More and more voters will understand that liberals talk a good game in the heartland; but when they gather among their elite in Frisco, they laugh at small towns and folks in the fly over states who cling to their faith, flag, and guns.
John McCain had better really deliver tonight so that he isn’t a drag on our ticket!
Ken, thank you for your kind words and observations. The wisdom of the ages is that marriage is the way to get the security on this side of eternity.
We appreciate your thoughts over the years — even though you are not a blood relation, we are proud to call you ‘Uncle’ and to be a part of the extended family…
Which is exactly the support system that talented women need to succeed.
Thanks again,
Jack (and Charmaine)
Dear Jack,
I’ve watched you and Charmaine and her parents over the years – and marveled! When men cherish (an old fashioned but very good Biblical word) their wives, they bless them . . . and that doesn’t mean monetarily. You described that “blessing” very well.
As I watched Sarah Palin last night I saw an intelligent woman of integrity who has a sense of humor, loves her family – in the good and bad days,knows heartbreak, and doesn’t play games to please others.
A woman I would love to sit down with over a cup of coffee … one who knows how to be a friend.
I observed the strong family ties between them. . . It reminds me a little of the women judges in Israel. They governed a nation, and honored their husbands. Not an easy task.
This requires strong men and women of integrity, knowing how to honor and respect each other. The Yoest, Crouse and Palin families all fit into this category.
I thank God for each one in all of your families…You have my respect – and love.
God bless!!!
Ken, thank you for your kind words and observations. The wisdom of the ages is that marriage is the way to get the security on this side of eternity.
We appreciate your thoughts over the years — even though you are not a blood relation, we are proud to call you ‘Uncle’ and to be a part of the extended family…
Which is exactly the support system that talented women need to succeed.
Thanks again,
Jack (and Charmaine)
Wonderful testimony Jack and Charmaine!
This whole Palin situation is fantastic. GREAT discussions.
You have no business commenting on a woman’s issue which only affects a WOMAN. You and your weird wife are the lunatics – do everyone a favor and stop procreating. Reality is that the world cannot support nor sustain these type of archaic views. We cannot feed or house all the people you want to create.
I think she’s a loser like the rest of the party- hello, he only got a passport one year ago – this is a woman who could be our next President??? This is a global economy, we have international complex issues and she’s only been to Germany on one trip with her tiara stuck in her suitcase. Wake up! I;m sure you wont post as you guys can’t take any controversy.