Invitation and Media Alert: Your Business Blogger(R) on Solutions to Your Management Problems

Two Items for Your Consideration:
1) An Invitation
2) An Article
Your Business Blogger(R)
An Invitation for managers (with direct reports, the power to hire and fire, and a budget) Wednesday, October 8th from 4 to 5:30 pm in Northern Virginia near the Ballston Metro. A brief overview on Solutions to Your Management Problems. No Charge. Email me if you’d like more detail — click here.
Your Business Blogger(R) was interviewed for an article on dealing with — and managing — Bad Bosses. It is scheduled to run this Sunday, 28 September in The Washington Post, Sunday Source section.
Let me know what you think and do make plans to attend the class.
And remember, If you are near Charlottesville, Virginia tomorrow, Saturday September 27th, Charmaine is speaking at the University of Virginia on women in leadership.
UPDATE: The article is up. Please take a look and link to the article in WaPo and I will owe you.

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