The Party of Death by Ramesh Ponnuru

One Democratic operative warned, “We can’t just be the party of death.”
The Party of Death does not care for The Party of Death.
The Party of DeathRamesh begins his book,
The party of death started with abortion, but its sickle has gone from threatening the unborn, to the elderly, to the disabled; it has swept from the maternity ward to the cloning laboratory to a generalized disregard for ‘inconvenient’ human life.
Matthew Eppinette at AUL reports,
A good indicator of how the pro-life position is winning is the extreme rhetoric people use in opposing it. The more ground the pro-life position gains, the more extreme the rhetoric we hear form those who oppose us. Hate mail is a good case in point.
Ponnuru writes,
Everything you think you know about Roe v. Wade is a lie…
Pull out quotes from The Party of Death at the jump.
Thank you (foot)notes,
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.
H!tler, hate-mail, and hapless history.
October 9th – 2008Americans United for Life is celebrating their annual gala in Chicago. Ramesh Ponnuru, the Senior Editor for National Review and author of The Party of Death is the keynoter.
Pictured is one of the less clever but presentable pieces of hate mail received by AUL.
Roll over for enlargement.
The Alert Reader will note a photo of Charmaine at UVA and Ramesh Ponnuru and various symbols of Germany’s National Socialism.
(There are two “N” words that are not used in polite company. One is a slander for African-Americans; the other is a four letter word for National Socialism.) (The Party of Death uses this four letter word repeatedly. The Party of Death is not polite company…)
If you are anywhere near Chicago-land on 9 October [2008] come hear Ramesh speak. Register here.
Pull Quotes from Ramesh Ponnuru, The Party of Death,
The unvarnished truth is that the Supreme Court struck down the laws of all fifty states to mandate abortion-on-demand at any stage of pregnancy. No other country in the industrialized West imposes so few restrictions on abortion. Only a fraction of the American public supports such liberal abortion laws…
Former Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus has written that “[a]s a matter of constitution interpretation and judicial method, Roe borders on the indefensible…Justice Blackmun’s opinion provides essentially no reasoning in support of its holding…
Blackmun ruled that abortion was part of “liberty” and, in effect, that it was such an important liberty that no restriction on it could represent “due process.”
Even scholars who support legal abortion have admitted that Blackmun’s work was shoddy. John Hart Ely, a prominent liberal legal scholar, was one of the earliest critics…
[Blackmun] pretended to leave unanswered “the difficult question of when life begins,” although the sweeping right to abortion he declared plainly presupposed that it does not begin in the womb…
[In 1977] pro-lifer …earlier in [his] career opposed abortion. Delaware senator Joe Biden had voted to amend the Constitution to reverse Roe. [But he changed] Yet [The Party of Death] turned its back on the littlest guy of all…
The great sorting out [of the American voter] has benefited the Republican party…Every two conservatives have to recruit one moderate to join them in the voting booth; every two liberals have to recruit three moderates…
[It] is not futile to pursue an incremental strategy that improves the law and the culture bit by bit…
Pro-lifers have a slogan–“every child welcomed in life and protected in law” — …Robert P George,…”By exposing members of the disfavored class to lethal violence, one deeply implicates oneself in the injustice of the killing of them…”
[Pro-abortion] General Wesley Clark [agreed with] Reporter John DiStaso, “Life begins with the mother’s decision.”
“I think this is just too close to infanticide…[W]hat on earth is this procedure?” exclaimed Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan [speaking of partial birth abortion].
[Abortion]. That evil is in a class by itself.
“In thinking about [infanticide],” writes Peter Singer [Princeton University], “we should put aside feelings based on the small, helpless, and — sometimes — cute appearance of human infants…If we can put aside these emotionally moving but strictly irrelevant aspects of the killing of a baby we can see that the grounds for not killing persons do not apply to newborn infants.”
Singer believes that it can be morally permissible to kill infants.
Singer: …Is there anything wrong with a society in which children are bred for spare parts…? “No.”
He also reaffirmed that it would be ethically OK to kill 1-year-olds with physical or mental disabilities.
America now has more crisis pregnancy centers than abortion clinics.
By embracing the party of death, the Democrats were committing assisted suicide.
[O]ne Democratic operative warned, “We can’t just be the party of death.”

who’s calling who a what?
the left is so confused.
I think you are to quick to judge the intent of the mailer by the Democrats. What they really meant, but accidentally reversed was to show a representation of the ancient good luck swastika of the Indo-Aryans. And by showing the Nuremberg stadium simply trying to remind everyone of how opposing abortion meant being able to fill the stands with people that otherwise would never have been born.
Or then again they could be engaged in the crudest of stereotypes of which only the most educated and nuanced thinkers are capable of using.
Pat, your observation(s) provide an accurate analysis of the liberal Democrat mind — the party of death.
I used to think that they simply had a different world view. Now I think that the party of death is on another planet.
But I am most concerned that they will attempt to rule this planet of the normal people.
Democrats have become (abortion) holocaust deniers.
Thank you for your comment,
I think that this is the classic human condition — we think that all people think like we do.
If you are a thief, you think everyone thinks like a thief.
If you are not a thief, you do not think like a thief.
The Party of Death is made up of intolerant haters — and think everyone thinks like them; so they are quick to accuse the Jesus Disciples of intolerance and hate.
Which points us to the Biblical injunction to be as gentle as doves…but wise as serpents.
Because if you are a dove you will not think like the snakes…
I think that this is the classic human condition — we think that all people think like we do.
If you are a thief, you think everyone thinks like a thief.
If you are not a thief, you do not think like a thief.
The Party of Death is made up of intolerant haters — and think everyone thinks like them; so they are quick to accuse the Jesus Disciples of intolerance and hate.
Which points us to the Biblical injunction to be as gentle as doves…but wise as serpents.
Because if you are a dove you will not think like the snakes…