Abortion, Barack Obama & Bill Maher;Charmaine on Politically Incorrect

Bill Maher doesn’t care much for babies. And less for marriage.
Charmaine on PI
with (the liberal) Bishop Spong.
Part One, circa 2002 Charmaine made over a dozen appearances on his old Politically Incorrect show.
So all our paths have crossed a time or two in the Green Room in his LA studio.
Usually after Your Business Blogger® just changed a stinky diaper on one of the infant Penta-Posse .
I probably did not make a compelling case for fatherhood…
Charmaine did work on Bill Maher’s eternal perspective.
At one point Maher asked us, not rhetorically, “So what is death; a dirt nap?”
Maher sums up neatly the atheist’s worldview: there is no God, no Heaven.
No Hell.
At death, it all ends on this celestial sphere. A dirt nap in a grave.
Dinesh D’Souza addresses atheism in his New York Times best seller, What’s So Great About Christianity?,
From page 274,
What’s So Great
About Christianity?“If sex is unhooked from the old moral restraints [marriage], there are going to be unwanted pregnancies [babies]. Here we get to atheism’s second sacrament, which is abortion. [The first sacrament is orgasm.] The real horror of abortion is not that a woman kills an unborn child
that a woman kills her own unborn child. [Emphasis mine.]
The guilt in doing this, for all morally healthy persons, can only be tremendous.
So it is necessary for atheism to pave the way for abortion with a clear conscience.
The first step is to get rid of God, because then there is no spirit of the dead child to disturb the conscience, no hell to pay for violating the commandment against the deliberate taking of life.”
Politically Incorrect,
Part 2One pregnancy in five ends in a miscarriage.
Charmaine and I had one. We still dream of that baby. Now safe on the other side.
The death still hurts and time does heal. But how much more would the hurt be if the mother was responsible for the loss of the baby?
How much more the pain if the mother murdered her baby?
The guilt these women feel must be horrendous.
Can Obama feel no pain?
I will take their heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.

Wonderful Quotes and gold for a 40 Days for Life warrior. I’m alwys looking for quick, lasting food for thought.
David, thank you for your kind words.
I will assume the quotes are from Charmaine…not “Bishop” Spong…
Thank you for commenting,
Jack (and Charmaine)