Sarah Palin: Pro-Life, Smart and…Thin

We spent time on the presidential primary campaign trail.
We can tell you: Sarah Palin has never eaten a donut.
Sarah Palin, mother of 5
Impossibly thin
credit: The Dude
We saw Sarah Palin up close and learned what is most important to Hollywood and others — that the TV screen adds 10 pounds…and that even more that being smart is being thin.
Palin is impossibly thin for a woman with five wee ones. Marathoner or not.
Alert Readers know that Charmaine also has five children and has run three marathons. Charmaine knows about the work needed for women of a certain age to maintain an ideal weight.
Sarah Palin thinness does not come easy.
The thinness we witnessed is the result of solid discipline and hard work. A real prerequisite for high office.
Men don’t make passes
To a girl who wears glasses.
Liberal men don’t make passes
To a girl who surpasses.
Smart women are now Republicans. Has to be true: A Democrat said so.
See Sarah Palin’s a Brainiac by Elaine Lafferty,
Elaine Lafferty is a former staff correspondent at Time magazine and the Irish Times of Dublin, features editor at MORE magazine, editor in chief of Ms magazine. The former editor in chief of Ms. magazine (and a Democrat) on what she learned on a campaign plane with the would-be VP.,
Now by “smart,” I don’t refer to a person who is wily or calculating or nimble in the way of certain talented athletes who we admire but suspect don’t really have serious brains in their skulls. I mean, instead, a mind that is thoughtful, curious, with a discernable pattern of associative thinking and insight. Palin asks questions, and probes linkages and logic that bring to mind a quirky law professor I once had. Palin is more than a “quick study”; I’d heard rumors around the campaign of her photographic memory and, frankly, I watched it in action. She sees. She processes. She questions, and only then, she acts. What is often called her “confidence” is actually a rarity in national politics: I saw a woman who knows exactly who she is.
As Charmaine has said, “Palin is authentic.”
Your Business Blogger(R) took the Penta-Posse on the past two Republican rallies here in Northern Virgina: Fairfax and Leesburg.
23,000 showed up for McCain and Palin in Fairfax. Some 9,000 showed in rural Leesburg — a third more than expected, traffic jams at 6am. (In contrast, 400 show up for Democrat VP nominee Joe Biden.)
The Penta-Posse were volunteering until shunted off to the bleachers as the cute kid backdrop behind the podium. They loved it. They love politics.
Republicans are now
the party of the working man
The offspring know where to sit and why: young political animals, Roe Effect on the way.
The Dude is taking pictures of the line-up of politicians, learning who’s who on the GOP bench. Then Pro-Life Frank Wolf gets up to speak.
“Get his picture,” I say to The Dude. “It’s Frank Wolf!”
The (pre-teen) Diva turns to me and asks, “It he married to Naomi?”
“Not likely…”
These are five fun kids.
The Yoests outside the McCain national headquarters in Northern Virginia.
Bob Livingston working the phones at the McCain HQ in Virginia.
photo credit: The Dreamer

Are you going to tell me your kids have read Naomi Wolf?
By the way, in case you haven’t heard: I was lunching with some other swim team parents after a recent meet, and one of the dads’ names kept ringing a bell in my head. I think I repeated it to myself for about 10 minutes before I remembered its significance and shouted for all the Cici’s to hear: “YOU’RE CHARMAINE’S BROTHER!”
Kalynne, No I don’t think The Diva has read Wolf, although she was looking at “Promiscuities” wondering what makes some liberals so strange…
You and Charmaine’s Brilliant Brother, The Rocket Scientist prove that there are at least two normal people in the academy.
That may be about it…
Was John in DC recently? We were at Dulles a few weeks ago and saw a limo driver holding a “Pudner” sign. Small world.
We waited a few minutes, then Charmaine and I decided to wait in his car for him — the driver got a bit confused, I think — my name being ‘John’ also —
It was a nice town car, not the stretch we are used to, but adequate.
Anyway, we waited a bit and left without him. I need to thank his firm for the lift, I guess.
Don’t worry: I instructed the driver to add a gratuity to the invoice.
Jack (and Charmaine)
“Palin is authentic” alright; an authentic idiot. McCain lost my vote when he chose this unqualified yahoo as his VP. So much for his “puttig country first”