Charmaine on CNN Debating Condoms; Obama Will Export Abortion-Condom Funding Overseas

Warning: The Condom Commercial is for mature audiences.
In the 1990’s CNN had a terrific talking-heads-shouting-show called Crossfire. Regular Hosts included Michael Kinsley, liberal, then moved to Slate. Pat Buchanan, conservative, former GOP, now gone from the Republican Club but still Pro-Life.
The show ran five nights a week for 30 minutes. Hosts earned about $200K and were worth every dime.
Charmaine appeared in a number of segments. In this episode she debated Kristine Gebbie from the Clinton administration on the marketing and efficacy of condoms. Charmaine’s points are valid today — truth is, well, timeless. John Sununu is in the conservative chair, on the right, of course.
Oddly, liberals demand that conservatives use science in any debate — but whenever a conservative uses real science with real data, we are then accused of “imposing our values.” A liberal pivot.
The actual condom failure rate is some 20 percent. The cost of failure could be pregnancy. Could be death.
This is described by anti-science liberals as “fear based sex ed.”
So what will Obama do about abortion and condoms?
Even before Obama gets legislation from congress on abortion, Obama will, by Executive Order, repeal the The Mexico City Policy (1984) which,
Prohibits the use of federal funding for organizations and programs “which perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”
Media Alert: Obama may very well use the Clinton’s Dancing Condom Marketing Campaign. For the Domestic and International markets.
Watch the video and let us know what you think.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
CatholicCitizens writes,
For starters, we may expect removal of the present administration’s ban on destructive embryonic research, and rejection of the Mexico City accords which restrained abortion and eugenics.
Crossfire: The Condom Campaign first aired on January 4, 1994.

Charmaine Yost’s bio includes the following bit of information: “Dr. Yoest is an author, a political analyst and an expert on domestic and international social policy.”
C. Yost was Senior Advisor to Mike Huckabee during his campaign for president and she calls herself an “expert…on social policy?”
You’re not an expert on social policy, Charmaine. You’re a phony.
Not quite. The University of Virginia says she’s an expert in social policy, awarding her a Ph,D..
Congress said she is an expert on social policy when Charmaine was invited to provide “expert testimony” in testifying before Congress as an expert witness.
And the real expert on social policy, Bill Maher invited Charmaine on his Politically Incorrect over a dozen times.
Book publisher HarperCollins declared her an expert. As well as The Wall Street Journal.
Charmaine is indeed an expert. Thank you for allowing us to perform a record reminder.
And the name is Yoest — not Yost. Spelling now counts in the blogosphere.
Even amateurs know this…
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Not quite. The University of Virginia says she’s an expert in social policy, awarding her a Ph,D..
Congress said she is an expert on social policy when Charmaine was invited to provide “expert testimony” in testifying before Congress as an expert witness.
And the real expert on social policy, Bill Maher invited Charmaine on his Politically Incorrect over a dozen times.
Book publisher HarperCollins declared her an expert. As well as The Wall Street Journal.
Charmaine is indeed an expert. Thank you for allowing us to perform a record reminder.
And the name is Yoest — not Yost. Spelling now counts in the blogosphere.
Even amateurs know this…
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Charmaine did a fairly good job of presenting herself in this debate at least. Almost got caught out with the questioning her motivation, but she responded in the best way – by ignoring the question, and answering a completly different one.
Though the smile was a bit creepy… looks like her face is made of plastic. Reminds me of dolls.
As debates go, that one was rather uncivil… everyone was interupting everyone else in mid-sentence, all trying to talk over each other. Good for entertainment, good for scoreing in politics, but not good for actually establishing who has the best arguments. Only who has the greatest skill as a debater.
Suricou, you are on to one of the talking-head secrets: Always BS.
Not the BS you are thinking.
Always Be Smiling.
Guests should always be smiling even when not talking — the reaction shots can be telling.
Our motto is Delectre et Docere: To Please and To Instruct.
And in televised debates there is sometimes more entertainment than instruction…
Welcome to show-biz. Welcome to combat.
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Jack (and Charmaine)
Suricou, you are on to one of the talking-head secrets: Always BS.
Not the BS you are thinking.
Always Be Smiling.
Guests should always be smiling even when not talking — the reaction shots can be telling.
Our motto is Delectre et Docere: To Please and To Instruct.
And in televised debates there is sometimes more entertainment than instruction…
Welcome to show-biz. Welcome to combat.
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Jack (and Charmaine)
Don’t you conservatives realize that the Bush administration’s denial of aid to countries because of opposition to contraception and allowing abortion has resulted in the deaths of thousands of desperately poor women in impoverished countries from bothed illegal abortions and self-inflicted ones? It has blood on its hands, and you conservatives are still opposed to contraception and choice. Unbelievable !
Ironically, the Obama administration may very well prevent many deaths abroad and reduce poverty, at home too.
Robert, as Jefferson reminds us, It is not the purpose of government to good — the purpose of government is to restrain evil.
It is the purpose of our government to provide to domestic tranquility — not to be the public service health care for the rest of the world.
If you would like to buy some abortions in Mali, spend your own money and buy all the innocent blood you wish.
Don’t spend my money.
Black genocide is problem enough here in the US of A, let’s not export the ‘Ugly American’ as abortionist to other nations.
Each country should have its own sovereignty — except for the mass murder of its own citizens.
Abortion is the killing of a baby. This is not difficult reasoning.
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