Father Richard John Neuhaus Requiscat in Pace

About a month ago, while in New York City, Charmaine had the opportunity to visit Father Richard John Neuhaus, who served on the Board of Advisors for Americans United for Life. They talked about leadership and the Pro-Life movement.
At the time, Charmaine noted his remarkable dignity and thoughtfulness. But she also mentioned that he didn’t seem entirely well.
Indeed. He was leaving this side and rowing for a distant shore.
AUL Mourns the Loss of Richard John Neuhaus
By: PR Newswire
Jan. 8, 2009 02:00 PM
CHICAGO, Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Americans United for Life (AUL) mourns the loss of advisory board member and former governing board member Father Richard John Neuhaus. Fr. Neuhaus passed away this morning in New York City.
Throughout his adult life, Fr. Neuhaus engaged the most pressing issues of civil rights and social justice facing the nation and world. He consistently defended the rights of the unborn, the handicapped infant, and the terminally ill against the terrible realities and threats of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
His numerous books, including The Catholic Moment, The Naked Public Square (1996), Doing Well and Doing Good: The Challenge to the Christian Capitalist, Death on a Friday Afternoon (2001), and As I Lay Dying (2002), were major contributions to the understanding of religion in public life. As founder and editor in chief of the journal First Things, Fr. Neuhaus promoted public dialogue and understanding on the religious, philosophical, and political dimensions of democracy and culture.
“Father Richard Neuhaus consistently worked to encourage religious leaders to understand the centrality of the sanctity of human life as an issue of civil rights, and to put aside denominational differences and work together for the common good of protecting the unborn. He never wavered on the centrality of the life issue as a matter of human rights and social justice,” said his close friend and AUL Board member, George Weigel.
“As a former board member and generous supporter of the work of Americans United for Life, Father Neuhaus inspired us and a generation of pro-life leaders, and we will strive to carry on this work with unwavering determination,” said Dr. Charmaine Yoest, AUL President & CEO.
AUL’s Defending Life 2009 — a state-by-state legal guide to abortion, bioethics, and the end of life, which will be released this month — will be dedicated to Fr. Neuhaus in memory of his service to the life movement and AUL.
About Americans United for Life
Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization whose vision is a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life through vigorous judicial, legislative, and educational efforts at both the federal and state levels since 1971. The Wall Street Journal has profiled AUL, and PBS’ Frontline program chronicled AUL’s successful efforts in Mississippi.
SOURCE Americans United For Life

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