Charmaine to Speak at Blogs for Life; Chuck Norris will Fight FOCA Fight FOCA on Sanctity of Life Sunday

Sanctity of Life Sunday is being celebrated on the 18th — before the March for Life on Thursday, January 22nd.
In between these two dates, the most pro-abortion president in history, Barack Obama, will be sworn in on Tuesday the 20th.
What a week.
Americans United for Life has a church bulletin insert available to alert voters on the Obama abortion agenda. See the full page insert here. Read Charmaine’s letter at the jump.
The Family Research Council writes,
“Blogs for Life is scheduled to take place the day of the 36th annual March for Life, during which hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates gather in the nation’s capitol to celebrate life and demand the reversal of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.
The conference will feature several prominent conservative voices including Senator Sam Brownback, Amanda Carpenter, Jill Stanek, Michael New, Ph.D., Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., Michael Illions, Chris Gacek, J.D. and Martha Shuping, M.D. all speaking with bloggers live from Family Research Council headquarters.”
Join Fight FOCA To date almost 425,000 people have signed the FightFOCA petition.
It just might get Obama’s attention.
Because it is the right thing to do.
How can Your Business Blogger(R) be so sure?
Because Chuck Norris approves of FightFOCA.
Chuck Norris writes at Human Events,
“Please, before FOCA flies onto the congressional floor in the upcoming days, sign the online petition to fight FOCA (, and then contact your representatives and senators to tell them how you expect them to vote on the bill.”
Chuck Norris is always right. He’s smart. As The Dude says, ‘Chuck Norris can divide by zero.’
The Dude worked backstage with Chuck Norris on the Huckabee presidential campaign trail in December 2007.
Pro-Choice abortion-approver Christina doesn’t care much for the Fight against FOCA. She used to work for Planned Parenthood and says there is no such procedure as a partial birth abortion. I don’t think she’s seen the pictures…warning: graphic dead baby unwanted human tissue.
The Secular Heretic telling the news as it really is, has the FightFOCA code in his template. A good-guy.
UPDATE: Blogs 4 Life is on the Right Wing Watch list from People for the American Way. The anti-American PfAW has more time for abortion, now that Obama will soon be surrendering in Iraq and to Iran.
Charmaine’s letter,
Congress Back in Session, Sanctity of Life Sunday, March for Life
Dear Friend,
Congress is back in session. While they’re currently occupied with trying to revive the economy, they will soon turn their focus to expanding the abortion industry.
Sen. Reid’s recently introduced Prevention First Act, which would greatly expand government funding of abortion (among other things), is but one example. Our legal team is currently studying the text of the bill, and we’ll be posting their analysis at soon.
This Sunday is Sanctity of Life Sunday — a wonderful way to start a week that includes the presidential inauguration and the annual March for Life. Millions of Americans will go to churches where there will be a special emphasis on the sanctity of human life. Yet many of those Americans haven’t heard about Congress’ plans to expand abortion through the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) — and other bills like it that would eliminate virtually every pro-life law in the country and force taxpayers to help pay for it.
You can help spread the word. It’s easy.
Click here to download a flyer (PDF) about FOCA and print copies for everyone in your congregation. A version with two flyers on a page, suitable for inserting in church bulletins, is also available. Please consider taking the bulletin insert to your priest or pastor as an opportunity for your church to spread the word about FOCA.
As of Tuesday night, the Fight FOCA petition has more than 400,000 signers. Together, we can get tens of thousands more before President-elect Barack Obama even takes the oath of office.
And please come to Washington to march with us next week in the March for Life! We have Fight FOCA signs for the March this year and we’re looking for volunteers to help pass out the signs and flyers. If you’re going to the March for Life (Thursday, January 22 in Washington, DC) and want to help, please send an email to
We are only able to make this campaign work thanks to friends like you who support the efforts of AUL Action with a financial contribution. If you’d like to join the financial support team, click here.
Yours for Life,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
AUL Action The Legislative Arm of Americans United for Life
P.S. — I hope to see you at the March for Life in DC!
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FightFOCA Petition
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