Pro-Life State Rankings by Americans United for Life

Americans United for Life has released a state-by-state review of local abortion laws. The ranking is based on a numerical evaluation-criteria. See State by State Legal Guide to Abortion, Bioethics and the End of Life.
The Best States
1. Pennsylvania
2. Louisiana
3. South Dakota
4. Oklahoma
5. Mississippi
6. Texas
7. North Dakota
8. Nebraska
9. Arkansas
10. Indiana
The Worst States
50. California
49. Hawaii
48. Vermont
47. New Jersey
46. Connecticut
45. Nevada
44. Oregon
43. New York
42. Washington
41. Illinois
And please sign the FightFOCA petition!
Join Fight FOCA
Thank you (foot)notes:
The KansasJackass loves abortion and Planned Parenthood.
Also see LifeNews reports, Missouri Bill Introduced for Ultrasound, Better Informed Consent Before Abortion
See 12 States Weigh Ultrasound Abortion Bills, by Christianity Today.
Is The State You Live In For Or Against Life?
See Craig’s Cogitations.
Is your state for or against life?
Read the outstanding writing by Meredith Turney at California Ranks DEAD Last.
SwampFox discusses FOCA
Jeremy Alford blogs How pro-life is Louisiana?
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, AUL president, says the ranking offers every reason for optimism for conservatives in Louisiana, especially with the election of Democratic President Barack Obama, who is pro-choice. “Since the election, we have seen a huge outpouring of grassroots support for our work opposing the radically pro-abortion Freedom of Choice Act as well as hundreds of inquiries about life-affirming legislation,” Youest says.
Life as it Happens has more on Obama and FOCA.
Kyrie Eleison gives a link.
The Spin Cipher has Freedom of Choice for who?
Cellar dweller has California at bottom of list in pro-life group’s ranking of states.

Please see the Great Red Envelope Send for Life –