Americans United for Life Quoted in Washington Times

Alert Readers have noted that Charmaine did not make a number of points about the Octo-mom on Huckabee.
The segment was edited down for time. But Charmaine at AUL and some media outlets are reporting about the need for regulation of fertility clinics and Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART).
WETZSTEIN: Fertility industry in need of rules in the Washington Times,
Lawmakers in a hurry might want to consider model ART legislation from the pro-life Americans United for Life (AUL).
The bill recommends limiting the transfer of embryos to two at a time and encourages using frozen embryos before creating new ones, AUL official Mailee Smith said. It also would require comprehensive informed consent, so women can understand the range of health risks associated with multiple births, she said.
Charmaine was scheduled to appear on Larry King Live to continue the fertility debate, but was canceled.
Thank you (foot)notes,
See more of AUL‘s incremental abortion strategy in, MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH New trend: Ultrasounds before abortion 12 states may require doctors to offer image of baby prior to terminating life, By Chelsea Schilling, © 2009 WorldNetDaily. For example, in,
Missouri: Physicians and other “professionals” performing abortions must provide information about free ultrasound services, allow the woman access to an ultrasound and provide her with a chance to listen to the heartbeat of her unborn baby.
Currently, a patient must be informed of risks of abortions 24 hours before terminating her pregnancy. Doctors must have written parental consent or a court order to perform abortions on minors.
According to Americans United for Life, the state’s General Assembly “has found that the life of each human being begins at conception.” The state prohibits partial-birth abortion throughout pregnancy.
Most fertility clinics break the rules.

When regulating IVF, you might want to consider that anything which reduces the success rate even slightly is just going to result in a lot of patients traveling overseas. IVF is a very expensive, and very inconvenient and unpleasant treatment. Anyone who can afford it would quite happily travel abroad to visit a clinic with a 5% higher success rate than one they could find in the US.