More Media on the Killing of Tiller, Reaction from Americans United for Life

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Pro-life leaders, groups condemn murder of Kansas abortion doctor, By Chaz Muth at the Catholic News Service reports,
WASHINGTON – Pro-life advocates universally condemned the May 31 murder of a Kansas abortion doctor, with officials from several U.S. right-to-life groups saying such extreme acts only hurt the pro-life cause.
“We condemn this lawless act of violence,” said Charmaine Yoest, president of the Americans United for Life. “The foundational right to life that our work is dedicated to extends to everyone. Whoever is responsible for this reprehensible violence must be brought to justice under the law.”
Dr. George Tiller, 67, of Wichita, Kan., was fatally shot while serving as an usher at the city’s Formation Lutheran Church during morning services, according to The Associated Press
David Brody at CBN reports, Randall Terry Is Not Spokesman for Pro-Life Movement,
Let’s start with a reality check. Randall Terry does not speak for the broader pro-life movement. It’s important to note that just because Randall Terry from Operation Rescue speaks out forcefully againt abortion doctor George Tiller that does not mean his sentiment is shared among mainstream pro-life groups.
You don’t need to believe me. Just compare Operation Rescue’s website with Concerned Women for America or Americans United for Life and on and on. The sanctity of life message is the underlying theme but the tactics and language are different. Much different.
Colleen Raezler at NewsBusters reports
Media: Tiller a Martyr, Abortion Not Killing and Pro-Lifers are Crazy
Tiller as Abortion Rights Martyr
Broadcast networks painted Tiller as a man willing to die in defense of women’s rights.
All of the broadcast coverage noted past attempts people have made to disrupt Tiller’s work – a bombing of his clinic in the 1980s and a 1993 attack in which he was shot in both arms – which, while pertinent to the story, also increased the aura of martyrdom that now surrounds him.
Statements from major pro-life organizations revealed a different story: that the pro-life community truly views all loss of human life as a tragedy.
Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, said “The foundational right to life that our work is dedicated to extends to everyone.”
Opposing Views has Murder Not Justified, Pro-Life Leaders Say, By Baptist Press , News With a Christian Perspective
Among those issuing statements condemning the killing were representatives of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, National Right to Life Committee, Americans United for Life, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, Concerned Women for America, Care Net, Susan B. Anthony List, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, American Life League, Operation Rescue, Christian Defense Coalition, 40 Days for Life, Stand True, Priests for Life and Pro-life Action League.
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