The Abortion Tax: Pay It Or To Jail

Charmaine and Jack
on the DC Mall marching for
Life summer 1990
Years from now your children’s children will gather at your feet as you sit in your rocker by the fire.
“Grandpa,” They will ask, “What did you do in the abortion wars?”
You will look off, with a small smile, “I fought for Life…”
Charmaine sends this along to some 500,000 of her closest friends. If you wish to join this small, intimate tribe of pro-life warriors in the abortion war sign-up here. Americans United for Life is the legal arm of the pro-life movement.
New Senate “Deal” = a $12 Abortion Tax on Unwilling Americans
Dear Friend,
It was just after 1 AM this morning when the US Senate voted to proceed with a massive takeover of health care that will result in a new mandatory ‘abortion tax’ on people across America.
As you may know, the new health care bill will create new government “exchanges” where individuals and employers can shop for health care plans. Many of these plans will cover abortions and those plans will be subsidized with taxpayer funds for the first time in American history.
This will create the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade, and you will be forced to pay for it.
So what’s next? There will be a series of votes on this bill over the next several days culminating with a final vote expected at about 7pm on Christmas Eve. Please continue to call or email your Senators about this health care bill. Since many of them will be in your home state during the next week, a personal visit would be even better.
Remember, even if the Senate does pass the bill on Christmas Eve, the fight isn’t over yet.
After the first of the year, the Senate and House will have to go to conference committee and work out the differences between the two different bills each chamber has passed. Once a final version is produced, it must be passed again in both the House and Senate before it can go to the President’s desk for signature. Click here to get the details.
We will draw a final line in the sand, and together we can still defeat this bill.
Like you, for weeks now I’ve been looking forward to spending these next few days with my husband Jack, our five children, and many other family members. But we will not stand aside while the fight for life continues. Thank you for everything you have done so far and for standing with us in the days ahead.
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
P.S. Pro-abortion special interests and their members of Congress are rolling back pro-life laws that have been in place for decades! Americans United for Life needs the resources to combat the pro-abortion forces in the coming weeks and months. Please make your tax deductible contribution now before the end of the year by following this link. It is only thanks to your financial support we are able to continue to defend human life every single day. Thank you for your partnership.
Washington, DC: 655 15th St NW, Ste. 410 | Washington, DC 20005
Chicago: 310 S. Peoria Street, Ste. 500 | Chicago, IL 60607
Thank you (foot)notes:
Be sure to follow Your Business Blogger(R) and Charmaine on Twitter: @JackYoest and @CharmaineYoest
Jack and Charmaine also blog at Reasoned Audacity and at Management Training of DC, LLC.

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