Charmaine on the Obama Abortion Business Bail Out; Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times

Charmaine was busy with media interviews while she marched in the March for Life.
(This was quite an act: no child was left behind…) Obama is beginning to fulfill his campaign promises to bail out the abortion business.
Baby Boo working the crowd at the March for Life
If you support abortion or not, you are now going to pay for abortion…the world over.
Your Business Blogger(R) does not care for the government bail out of any business. Especially not the abortion business.
Obama lifts restrictions on abortion funding, 24 Jan 2009, Source: Reuters
By Jeff Mason and Deborah Charles (Additional reporting by Ed Stoddard)
WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Friday lifted restrictions on U.S. government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, reversing a policy of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush…
“When we wake up every morning to a deepening financial crisis, it is an insult to the American people to bail out the abortion industry,” said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life.
“Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar company and they do not need additional resources to burden the American taxpayer.”…
The United States spends more than $400 million on overseas family planning assistance each year.
Jon Ward writes in The Washington Times, Obama changes policy on abortion, Saturday, January 24, 2009
“What a terrible way to begin a new administration: with an abortion business bailout that will exploit women in developing countries for political ends,” said Charmaine Yoest, President of Americans United for Life Action.
Mr. Obama’s promise to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would repeal all state and local restrictions on abortion, such as parental notification laws and measures allowing physicians to deny abortions based on their own faith convictions, came under fire Thursday from congressional Republicans.
LAURA MECKLER reports in The Wall Street Journal, Obama Intends to Lift Family-Planning ‘Gag Rule’; Move Would Restore Funds to International Groups Involved With Abortion; Timing Shows Sensitivity to Foes of Roe v. Wade,
Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, thinks the change in policy amounts to U.S. tax dollars funding abortion and sees no positive outcome. Editor, Steven Ertelt, reports
Pro-Life Advocates: Obama Has Already Betrayed Promise to Reduce Abortions January 23, 2009,
Charmaine Yoest, [Ph.D.] the president of Americans United for Life, also responded to the news.
“What a terrible way to begin a new administration: with an abortion business bailout that will exploit women in developing countries for political ends,” she told
“We should not export the tragedy of abortion to other nations, and we certainly shouldn’t do so via the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers,” she said.
Denise Burke, [Americans United for Life] Vice President of Legal Affairs said the move also creates foreign policy headaches because it has the U.S. funding pro-abortion groups that are actively lobbying other nations to reverse their long-standing pro-life laws.
“Pro-abortion organizations like the International Planned Parenthood Federation are actively working to impose radically pro-abortion laws on developing nations, showing no regard for the will of the people in these countries,” she said. “This move is a significant step backwards in respecting the sovereignty of nations, in empowering women, and in protecting unborn.”
Thank you (foot)notes,
Notae Zuinglii, Bible and Theology writes, Legitimizing Murder
Yes we can, use your money to fund abortions
“The time has come to set aside childish things.” Barak H. Obama 1/20/09
See Mike’s Noise, We Surrender! “Bailout” plan is now law
Visit Tradition Catholic Reflections
President Bush writes,
In 2002, I was honored to sign into law the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which extends legal protection to children who survive an abortion attempt.
Born Alive protection is opposed by Obama.
Republican Leader John Boehner is blogging. Read his post at Americans United for Life Action, Mr. President: Reconsider FOCA
January 22, 2009
A Guest Post by Republican Leader John Boehner
Yesterday, on the eve of the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision, 105 Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama requesting that he reconsider his support for overturning pro-life laws–even laws enacted by the States. Specifically we asked the President to withdraw his pledge to sign the so-named Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would in one tragic act overturn virtually all pro-life laws nationwide, and to refuse to support policies that incrementally enact the FOCA agenda by rescinding or weakening existing pro-life laws….

You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out.
Dear [May Be Too Much to my Taste, OK!, It will rather be:] Expensive Chairman Ben S. Bernanke,
All of Our Economic Problems Find They Root in the Existence of Credit.
Out of the $5,000,000,000,000 bail out money for the banks, that is $1,000 for every inhabitant of this planet, what is it exactly that WE, The People, got?
If my bank doesn’t pay back its credits, how come I still must pay mines?
If my bank gets 0% Loans, how come I don’t?
At the same time, everyday, some of us are losing our home or even our jobs.
Credit discriminates against people of lower economic classes, as such it is unconstitutional, isn’t it? It is an supra national stealth weapon of class struggle.
Credit is a predatory practice. When the predator finishes up the preys he starves to death. What did you expect?
Where are you exactly in that food chain?
Credit gets in the way of All the Principles of Equal Opportunity and Free Market.
Credit is a Stealth Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Credit is Mathematically Inept, Morally Unacceptable.
You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out
Opting Out Is Both Free and Strictly Anonymous.
My Solution: The Credit Free, Free Market Economy.
Is Both Dynamic on the Short Run & Stable on the Long Run, The Only Available Short Run Solution.
I Am, Hence, Leading The Exit Out of Credit:
Let me Outline for You my Proposed Strategy:
? My Prescription to Preserve Our Belongings.
? Our Property Title: Our Free, Strictly Anonymous Right to Opt Out of Credit.
? Our Credit Free Money: The Dinar-Shekel AKA The DaSh, Symbol: – .
? Asset Transfer – Our Right Grant Operation – Our Wealth Multiplier.
? A Specific Application of Employment, Interest and Money.
[A Tract Intended For my Fellows Economists].
If Risk Free Interest Rates Are at 0.00% Doesn’t That Mean That Credit is Worthless Already?
Since credit based currencies are managed by setting short-term interest rates, on which you have lost all control, can we still say that they are managed?
We Need, Hence, Cancel All Interest Bearing Debt and Abolish Interest Bearing Credit.
In This Age of Turbulence The People Wants an Exit Out of Credit: An Adventure in a New World Economic Order.
The only other option would be to wait till most of the productive assets of the economy get physically destroyed either by war or by rust.
It will be either awfully deadly or dramatically long.
A price none of us can afford to pay.
“The current crisis can be overcome only by developing a sense of common purpose. The alternative to a new international order is chaos.”
– Henry A. Kissinger
What Else?
Until We Succeed the Economy Will Sink Into a Deeper and Deeper Depression
You Bail Them Out, Let’s Opt Out!
Check Out How Many of Us Are Already on Their Way to Opt Out of Credit.
Let me provide you with a link to my press release for my open letter to you:
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Quantitative [Ooops! I Meant Credit] Easing Can’t Work!
I am, Mr Chairman, Yours Sincerely [Like do I have really the choice?],
Shalom P. Hamou AKA ‘MC-Shalom’
Chief Economist – Master Conductor
1 7 7 6 – Annuit Cœptis
Tel: +972 54 441-7640
Fax: +972 3 741-0824
I know you have to approve my comment, so I guess you are the only one that will ever read it.
You say, “If you support abortion or not, you are now going to pay for abortion.”
You say, “We should not export the tragedy of abortion to other nations, and we certainly shouldn’t do so via the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers.”
This issue is important enough to deserve the truth. It just doesn’t sound so inflammatory if you say “our tax dollars will provide condoms to poor women in Africa, whose husbands have AIDS, or who can’t feed the children they already have.”
The truth about these executive orders is this. President Obama rescinded two of President Bush’s actions: 1) a ban on U.S. funds to international family planning agencies that use their own money for abortions, abortion counseling or advocacy, and 2) a cutoff of financial support for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
These executive orders do not make federal money available to promote or to perform abortion. That is against US law. They do use our money to promote birth control, which is against the extreme stance of the Vatican (and probably the source of all this misinformation). Any abortion or abortion education funding comes from their own money.
Under Bush, we have been withholding all UNFPA funding for contraception and any US direct funding for contraception in countries that have legal abortions.
The UNFPA estimates that some 200 million women worldwide would like to delay or prevent pregnancy, but are not using effective contraception. They cannot afford it or are not knowledgeable about it. Universal access to family planning could save the lives of 175,000 women each year and prevent the deaths of 1.8 million children under age 5. It would also dramatically reduce the number of abortions in those countries. That is what President Obama promissed to do.
Don’t stay uninformed and petty. It is time to take some responsibility here for truth.
You can still be against abortion, but family planning for poor women is necessary.
Dear Probama,
The truth is simple, as it always is. American tax dollars will now be used to pay for abortions off-shore.
I am sure you would agree, whatever your hatred of the Catholic Church.
Thank you for commenting,