Internship Deliverables

Internship Deliverables
1) Syllabus. Read, sign and deliver to Your Business Professor.
2) Text Books. Read The Road to Freedom, Arthur C. Brooks; and View from the Top, Michael Lindsay, Ph.D.
3) Job Description. The detailed descriptions of your tasks and duties should be sent by your employer directly to my attention by e-mail. Additionally, this job description should indicate the start and end dates of the Internship and its duration.
4) Research Paper: Each student must propose a research topic to be approved by the advisor. The research paper must address a topic related to an industry of interest to the student (ideally, the industry of the sponsoring company) and/or an organizational aspect of the sponsoring organization. The research paper must be at least 2,500 words, double spaced, 12-point in Times New Roman. The paper will be reviewed by the Writing Center and submitted in a hard copy.
Cover sheet
A table of contents
An executive summary (one page or 250 words)
5. Activity Reports: Describing your internship activity will be due on the last day of each month for the months of February, March and April for a total of 3 reports. The minimum length will be 250 words submitted electronically.
6. Performance evaluation: No Later Than 30 April at end of the Internship, the standard departmental performance evaluation form must be completed by your supervisor and sent directly to Your Business Professor at:
7. Oral Examination: The student will schedule a 50-minute in-person session with your business professor during the month of April 2015. The student will be prepared to discuss the texts and the challenges of completed staff work.
Job Description Due: January 30, 2015
Research Report Topic Proposal: February 28, 2015
Research Report Due: April 15, 2015
Activity Reports: Last day of the month: February, March, April.
Performance Evaluation should be received by the instructor no later than April 30, 2015

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