Blogging from the GodBlogCon. . .

4:00 AM O-Dark-Thirty. Headed to LA for the GodBlogCon. The Dreamer is going with me and we’re tired as we head out, but excited to see some blogging friends and meet new friends.
Dreamer At the Gate
Flying over the Rockies. Sitting in air-conditioned comfort, above the clouds, it’s surreal to look down at such majestic mountains, and remember the people who came across on foot. . .
11:15 Strange things happen when I travel. We made it safely to LA. But. Long, long line at Hertz Rent-a-Car, with everyone staring, bored, at “Breaking News” on CNN. A mysterious red backpack on a train platform in Norwalk, California was becoming a major issue.
“Were we near Norwalk?” I asked.
No. Great, that was good news, because now they were announcing that Highways 105 and 605 were CLOSED.
Thought I ought to check our driving directions. Just in case.
The very first words on the directions page: “Take 105 East to 605 South . . .”
No. Way. I kid you not.
I go to Scotland and land in the midst of a terrorist attack in London; I try to get to the GodBlogCon and land in the midst of a backpack attack. . .
Finally, we get to the counter and the Hertz lady hands us our contract: “And here you go. You can pick up your car in parking space 911.”
Getting There is Half the Battle
Traffic in LA after the 105 and 605 shut down
More to come in a bit: We did finally make it and there are terrific bloggers here. And Hugh Hewitt broadcasting from the GodBlogCon!

Unfortunately you came to the Orange County area on two of the most boring fwys. in California. At least the weather was nice, and no fires in the hills, lucky you.
I really wanted to attend GodBlog I but it wasn’t going to happen. However, being reared in SoCal and having actually unsuccessfully attended Biola for a year, I empathize with your freeway foul-up, it’s sure to happen. Hope you had a good time going home. Respectfully. JB
Found your blog via the GodBlog link. I was there Friday and enjoyed the panel discussion. What a story you had to get there. So many obstacles you had to get through. Glad you could make it. I liked your posts on it.
All the best,