Author: Charmaine Yoest

True Wealth: Kid Cred

Children: The new status symbol. So says Simon Doonan at The New York Observer: Onto the landscape of Manhattan, a new and lethal status symbol has alighted—and it’s causing the J.A.P.’s and WASP’s of...

Tom DeLay Dinner: Shiva or . . . Hootenanny?!?

Monday’s Washington Post article about tonight’s dinner in honor of Tom DeLay quoted Marshall Wittman, (former Republican-now DLC staffer) as saying: “Tribute dinners are how politicians sit shiva for their dead.” Well, maybe that’s often true, but the event tonight at the Capital Hilton was pretty festive and, as Brent Bozell said, had more the air of an old-fashioned hootenanny. . . for over 900 people.

Sharing a Smile

A dear friend called today to say that she is moving. Great news for her and her family; not so great for those of us who love them. So I set off for the...

Howard Kurtz quotes Reasoned Audacity

Howard Kurtz quotes our review of the new blog, the Huffington Post today in Media Notes Extra. Howard begins: “A rather mixed reception in the blogosphere:” Then quotes, American Mind, Jack Shafer at Slate,...