Governor Blagojevich and "emergency contraception"
Just got a letter from Ellie Smeal of the Feminist Minority, asking me to contact Governor Blagojevich of Illinois. Hey, I think that’s a great idea! Not so sure Ellie’ll be too thrilled with...
Just got a letter from Ellie Smeal of the Feminist Minority, asking me to contact Governor Blagojevich of Illinois. Hey, I think that’s a great idea! Not so sure Ellie’ll be too thrilled with...
We made it into the Marine Corps Marathon! Jack, me and my dad will be wearing Reasoned Audacity t-shirts and running (well, if you can call it that) 26.2 miles in October. . ....
The question of “time,” and the pain we feel at our futile attempts to slow its rapid passage, always reminds me of C. S. Lewis’ observation that our discomfort in the temporal is proof...
Front page news, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, that Starbucks is making a move on Washington, D.C., guided largely by their lobbyist, Kris Friend-of-Bill Engskov. “Cautiously, Starbucks Puts Lobbying on Menu.” Just...
Paul Hogue, over at My Dogs Are Smarter, has written a nice response to my piece on suffering. (Check out the dog pic on his profile page – very funny.) His observation that “God...
For the files of “amazingly stupid things the MSM says” . . . The AP is reporting that Britney Spears has announced that she is pregnant. And here’s what they conclude: Spears’ impending motherhood...
I’ve been called on the carpet by a reader for my post on Prince Charles and Camilla, which was, I admit, pretty snarky. . . I know the wedding is over and done now,...
Scrawled in big letters on the family calendar: Boycott Starbucks! Boycott Revlon! in the Dreamer’s handwriting, right next to where I had clipped the graph showing corporate political donations. (Starbucks 100% Democrats; Revlon 68%...
These last few weeks have been ones of death and dying; a month of contemplating the purpose of pain and the meaning of suffering. It is a time for revisiting places of meditation, pondering...
As reported by Brenda Goodman in one of my favorite lefty business mags, Fast Company, there’s a new source for color-coding your shopping and coordinating your voting and your spending habits. Check out
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