Big Man in Charge!
Who’s in charge here? Yeah, baby. No contest. It’s the little big man in the middle . . . (check out that face!)
Who’s in charge here? Yeah, baby. No contest. It’s the little big man in the middle . . . (check out that face!)
Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness and I were in a meeting recently at the Pentagon with the Secretary of the Army, Francis Harvey and four-star General Richard Cody, Army vice...
More from the Daily Telegraph. Check out this headline: “Charles bows to the Pope with Princely Grace.” And what grace is that? They are giving Prince Charles kudos for postponing his wedding to Camilla...
After being subjected to the lunacy of Paul Krugman, (here) the lucidity of Mark Steyn is a welcome antidote. His column in Monday’s Daily Telegraph was both brilliant and funny. For example: The root...
Paul Krugman today tackled the question of liberal bias in the academy in his New York Times column. Stanley Kurtz noted over at NRO that Krugman’s acceptance of said bias as fact is, at...
Over at My Dogs are Smarter, Paul Hogue began a discussion about the Terri Schiavo case, asking “How does a Christian react to this?” See here for the first post. He invited me to...
One of the most tragic fallacies of feminism is the cant that Christianity is a source of oppression of women. As my tribute to Pope John Paul, I offer his own words, which provide...
It wasn’t just the horrible hotel (see below) — we were glad to be leaving Las Vegas altogether. I’d been to Vegas before; so had Jack. But as adults it’s easier to mentally edit...
Warning: the following post has no transcendent meaning and no flights of poetry whatsoever. Rather, I offer the following sad tale of woe for the benefit of any fellow travellers to Vegas who might...
Day By Day© by Chris Muir. Okay, I know the cartoon scrolls underneath my template — sorry, I can’t resist leaving it in: consider the first two panels a teaser, and click through to...
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