The Elephant Woman: She's a Large Mammal!

Shazam! I woke up this morning to discover I had become a Large Mammal.
(From Population: 3
A Comedy Theatre Troupe)
Just call me the Elephant Woman!
Some of you may remember the excitement around here when I moved up to become a Marauding Marsupial. Others of you are saying: Mammals, Marsupials. . .What?? Has she lost her mind?
N.Z. Bear, over at The Truth Laid Bear, ranks blogs by the number of links other bloggers have given them. The TTLB Ecosystem starts out at Insignificant Microbe and travels up the food chain to Higher Beings.
So this is a really fun milestone here at Reasoned Audacity and . . .
However you made your way here to this site, I’m grateful for your time. I’m doubly grateful for those of you who have made my day with your kind comments and emails — and those links.
Do keep coming back!
I want to say a special thank you to the Ladies of The Cotillion! A quick check of Technorati confirms my happy suspicion that you gals put me over the top.
Updated July 14: Kevin Drum at The Washingon Monthly has an interesting reading list,
…the women I read are considerably more liberal and considerably more anti-Bush than the guys.

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