John Detained by Police Here in Edinburgh

My new blogging buddy, John Aravosis, who is staying in a different hotel than I am, was caught in the riots earlier this evening here in Edinburgh and detained by the police. . .
My family is very pleased that I wasn’t nearby, but (since he is okay), I am planning to give John grief for landing in the middle of the action without me.
More seriously, this level of rioting when the summit doesn’t even begin until Wednesday doesn’t bode well for this city. Pictures on the local news of children sobbing in the streets are heart-breaking.
Riding into the city on the bus this afternoon, we passed a Starbucks with enormous glass windows in the downtown area, and Greg Beals, a globe-trotting journalist on assignment here with NY Newsday, predicted it would be smashed by week’s end . . .
Enjoy the Covered Dish over at Basil’s Blog
Wizbang asks Will Live Aid End Poverty?
Read David Adesnik (Oxford and UVA) on Oxblog and the Starbucks irony at Letter From a Victim of Starbucks. Frothy.

Liveblogging G8
Charmaine Yoest is live blogging the G8 summit in Scotland. Two things are abundantly clear in traveling with Richard Branson and the ONE campaign activists: first, they know they have to address the corruption question; and two, their responses to…