Wal*Mart Protesters: Intellectual Elites Lose

Forbes MagazinePaul Johnson describes an intellectual as someone who loves all humanity; it’s people they don’t like. The latest Anti-Wal*Mart protest reveals intellectual indifference to kids.
At Christmas.
The Washington Times reports on protesters who invaded Wal*Mart, dressed as Santa Claus and his elves:
[U]nion-sponsored protesters handed out empty, gift-wrapped boxes to children and made them cry…[T]he arrests of…the protesters may have been …a …strategy designed by Big Labor-backed WakeUpWalMart.com.
WakeUpWalMart is a new class of union thugs. Intellectual elite thugs.
If your product, or service — or protest — makes kids cry, you have a questionable corporate strategy.
Merry Christmas.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Joel Mowbray occasionally writes for The Washington Times.
See Wal Mart Insider’s Top 100 Blog Posts
Over 10,000 claimed by Wake-Up Wal*Mart.
Capitalism = Poverty for the Majority. Fight for a Socialist Future — Join the campaign for a new mass workers party says Wal*Mart is to blame for the world’s ills..
Be sure to visit JollyBlogger who has more on Paul Johnson.

Jack, If you ever get out to Ft Hood/Killeen Texas I would love it if you could drop in with a power point speech for our quarterly OPD.
I stumbled upon your blog from Charmaine’s (The site of you at Ft Bragg prompted a further investigation).
God bless you and your family
Brad O’Brien
Brad, Thank you for your kind words. I would be honored to speak to you and your team.
More later,
Merry Christmas Jack – looks like we are running on the same Paul Johnson track this week.
Modern Times by Paul Johnson is one of my favorite books.
Terry, Most intellectuals in Your Nation’s Capital have Modern Times on the bookshelves.
The diffence is that you’ve actually read that thick book.
David, I just wish Johnson was as loyal to his wife as his readership is loyal to him.
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