Be Rich and Have Sons…


…is a common prayer in East Asia. Done with incense by devout and cultural Bhuddahists.

Your Business Blogger was a bit curious about this superstitous nature when visiting an ancient temple.


Until, I remembered a nifty BMW advertisement a few decades ago:

Every man should plant a tree, raise a son and drive a 12 cylinder car

What may be superstition 4,000 years ago,

Is called marketing today.

The Sons of Thunder


Full Disclosure: Totally unrelated to the BMW advertisement, Your Business Blogger has planted a tree, is raising the sons of thunder, but has never owned a 12 cylinder car. Unless a 1957 Chevy counts.


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2 Responses

  1. I have two 6 cylinder cars does that count?

  1. July 13, 2015

    […] didn’t have 12 cylinders. But it was a product of marketing perfection that got better over the […]