The Abortion Debate

Reasoned Audacity Peter Shinn is one of Your Business Blogger’s favorite web tech guys. And he’s active in the Pro-Life peaceful protest vanguard.
Work appointments with Peter have to be scheduled around his picketing of local abortion buildings and the Supreme Court.
The guy likes reasoned argument and confrontation. And subtle nuance. Like me.
Argument and confrontation is what Peter recently got with his abortion blog post. Peter used an old Onion article as a starting point on debating abortion. He generated a lively exchange and got 250,000 hits this week. He also got listed in Wkipedia from the Onion exercise.
The Onion Charmaine’s non-profit has had the honor of being profiled in The Onion. Seth Godin says this mocking is actually a good thing.
Except when mocking religion. Especially the liberal religion and its holy sacrament of abortion. Islamo-fascists and liberals become, as Michelle Malkin says, “Unhinged” when questioned. And generated some very, very nasty, ill bred language in Peter Shinn’s comments.
It could have been worse: Peter could have been handling out Jesus pamphlets to Muslims.
On June 28, a Muslim mob in the town of Izom in the Nigerian state of Niger overwhelmed police and clubbed a woman to death for participating in street evangelism. News reports claim that the woman was between eighteen and twenty years of age.
According to reports, the unidentified woman met with a group of Muslim youth outside of the Jumat Mosque in Izom and shared the Gospel with them and gave them some tracts to read. When Muslim leaders learned what she had been doing, they were outraged and claimed that she had insulted Islam and Mohammed and should be killed. Hundreds of Muslims began looking for the woman. When they found her, they began to beat her but police took her into protective custody. The mob threatened to destroy the police station if she was not turned over to them. As police attempted to smuggle her out a back door, their actions were discovered. The police fled and the woman was clubbed and stoned to death.
The Jesus loving Nigerian took a very unpopular position. Nobody likes martyrs, that’s why they kill so many of them.
But she is making an eternal difference.
And Peter is making a difference. I am proud to have him as a friend.
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Thank you (foot)notes:
Blockquote comes from Stacy L. Harp, who points us to The Voice of the Martyrs The following comes from today’s Persecution & Prayer alert from The Voice of the Martyrs Canada. As you read through this very sad story, may I ask you to take time today to pray for the situation…
From Wikipedia,
Peter Shinn of Monthly March For Life [8], a pro-life blog, wrote a response in 2006 to an Onion article published in 1999, I’m Totally Psyched About This Abortion! [9] The Onion article (written by a fictional “Caroline Weber”) satirizes the notion that any woman would enjoy the painful abortion process. After Peter Shinn received a deluge of comments pointing out that The Onion is satire and “Caroline Weber” is fictitious, he wrote several responses in defense of his original post, [[10]] and [[11]]. He has since hidden the thousands of comments made on his blog,[[12]] but they can still be found via direct link on some weblogs.[[13]]
See more on ProLifeBlogs
Cross Post from Jack Yoest with The Abortion

There is nothing wrong with mocking, when it is accurately applied :> But in this case, its usually not. The political divide is now so great, neither side can see the other, and so they attack only an imagines caricature:
The Left views the Right as a lot of science-hating jesus-freaks who want to take the country on a holy war and would place the value of a single cell above that of a fully-developed human.
The Right views the Left as a lot of sexually devient religion-haters who would legalise pedophilia in the name of freedom and would rather allow the country to be invaded than say anything negative about the invaders.
I saw this on Ace. He linked it like it was so embarassing. Tell me what is more embarassing, that Peter believed it or that it is SO BELIEVABLE?
How many of us have read something oh so similar in Glamour magazine while waiting to get our hair cut?
Peter was right to show the picture. While everyone debates this “issue” babies are still being killed.
I wish that every leftie that I see comment on a blog about “civilian casualties” in the war was as concerned about the casualties of unfettered abortion.