The Most Clever Description of the Week

So Your Business Blogger is visiting his regular friends at the American Service Center, in Arlington, Virginia, getting maintenance done on the 20 year relationship…with my car.
I always thought American Service Center was indeed clever marketing. Since they sell Mercedes Benz. Many from Germany.
But wait, the marketing doesn’t stop there.
I order a part for my 300E, it arrives promptly, the parts manager calls me.
It’s in, he says. You can come by and pick it up or we can ship it to your home.
Thankyou, I’ll pick it up, replies Your (cheap) Business Blogger. It will be at the Parts Department?
It will be, sniffs the manager, sounding a bit like the butler from a P.G. Wodehouse novel, At the Will Call Window.
Unlike Wooster, I smile.
He’s serious.
I like it. This is not a Parts Pickup from chubby Bubba with grease under his fingernails. Nope, Jeeves has my part at the Will Call Window. Along with my opera tickets.
I’ll bet the manager is even wearing a tux…but only if it’s after six.
Thank you (foot)notes:
This is an unpaid link to American Service Center.
What’s the big deal about the old car? See An Anniversary
I have been graced with a number of nifty awards over the decades. Here is my favorite. Charmaine is not as thrilled as I — I hang it up in every house we’ve lived in.
My coveted 500,000 kilometer award from Mercedes Benz. Our 500,000 mile milestone is coming soon.

I glanced at the contrasting headline and immediately wondered why in the world the Quakers were now fixing Mercedes? Dyslexia is our friend.