Charmaine Quoted in God-O-Meter

It is an unwritten rule that media outlets, friendly or not, will use the most unflattering picture-portrait in the universe.
Note UPDATE at end.
If an editor must choose between the subject in, say, post-marathon svelve-ness — or a picture after an all-nighter finishing a tedious chapter on statistics after two years of desertion writing.
And after having that baby…
The editor will, of course, pick the poorest. This is editorial bias.
So if an editor can choose between this,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. or this.
The Alert Reader knows which way the call is going to go.
Charmaine is less bothered by this than Your Business Blogger.
Thank you (foot)notes:
Dan Gigoff writes,
Yoest returned to FRC last month, when Huckabee’s cash flow got too tight, but she had this interesting insight in what keeps Huckabee going in the face of very long odds:
“It fits with a worldview that sees life as being dependent on God’s will… and a Christian following God’s will means taking the next step that’s in front of you.
That’s where I think he’s coming from to a large degree.
It’s entirely consistent to say, “I’m going to play that out—it’s not over till it’s over.”
…There’s a route to a brokered convention. It may not be pretty, but it’s possible.”
Update/Correction: Dan Gilgoff, the Politics Editor at Beliefnet, Inc. substituted a newer picture as requested. He was very gracious. Alert the Media.
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