Support Soren Dayton!

Is Obama Wright? – Pastor Jeremiah Wright & Senator Barack
forwarded by Soren DaytonFellow Blogger Soren Dayton forwarded an outstanding video that weaved Barack X. Obama’s words and actions and pictures.
We live in the sight and sound generation. Where our preferred medium of communications is the moving picture.
A recent human resource management survey revealed that some 80% of influencers and decision makers in hiring will view a video of a job applicant. If you are applying for a job — send a YouTube.
This is what Soren Dayton did. The video Soren Dayton forwarded is a type of job application for Obama and the presidency.
It is compelling! It is creative! It is brilliant!
Soren Dayton is fired. The McCain campaign threw Soren under the bus.
So Soren Dayton is out of the campaign gig. Which makes him available. Hire Dayton for your next project.
Dayton will get you noticed…
Thank you (foot)notes:
Join the Support Soren Dayton! group on Facebook. Your Business Blogger(R) did. I’m member number 61, I believe.
Soren Dayton volunteered his time and good name to support John McCain’s candidacy for the Presidency. When he linked, via his Twitter account, to a hard-hitting video mashup against Barack Obama, the McCain campaign dumped Soren, and a national media conflagration ensued.
The purpose of this Facebook group is twofold:
1) To express support for Soren Dayton.
2) To let the McCain campaign know that we expect them to FIGHT, not roll over at the merest hint of controversy.

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